Sarnie, I can't fathom how you could possibly rub someone up the wrong way?
Anyway, don't worry mate. We still love you...........well, kind of,.......maybe tolerate's a better word...
I didn't realise you were from around there HDV is one of the best hotel chains I've come across. The Bistro's are ace and the champagne bar is quality
The HDV in Glasgow (1 Devonshire Gardens) is fantastic. Gordon Ramsay used to have his restaurant Amaryllis there.
Anyway, sounds like a top few days Sarnie and congratulations on the engagement.
isnt that RS4?
The old S4 was a 2.7 V6 twin turbo, smart arse The RS4 had the same engine but put out a lot more power. Must have had bigger blowers or something like that and was obviously at a higher state of tune.
Yeah, you can pick them up for pennies now and they're fantastic cars. I'm assuming the new 4.2 V8 S4 might be a little out your price range, although they too are coming down to an affordable level. I got one of those as a hire car upgrade once. What a kicking it got!!
I was heading back into Glasgow on the M77 about midday on Friday.
I'm seeing a lot more zeds in my neck of the woods these days. There's 3 coupes in like a 200 metre radius of my place. An Azure 55, a Black 53 and a JDM GM 04.
Lew - Are you a member of East Ren?
orange one on it's way to me
You're not serious!!..?
I dont know !! , you just put a neon flashing decal on your car and you get a name for all sorts of tat
Well, you are the "King of Bling". You're the Bobby George of the zed community!!
Thank you very much I think
It was a compliment mate! And you're welcome.
orange one on it's way to me
You're not serious!!..?
I dont know !! , you just put a neon flashing decal on your car and you get a name for all sorts of tat
Well, you are the "King of Bling". You're the Bobby George of the zed community!!
Lemme give it a try (sorry for pic quality, was taken with a mobile phone )
Nice..... Have you been using it to pull a plough? I particularly like the muck around the arches, but can't help but feel that it hasn't endured the same neglect as mine.
Right! I've had enough of you guys and your obsessive cleaning of your zeds. It's winter time and it's the season to get your car really filthy, cos basically there's fook all you can do about it. The question is......who has the dirtiest zed on the forum. I'll start the ball rolling with this confession.... It has been 8 weeks since I last cleaned my car.....
PS. H5 & Ming. Some of the following pictures may offend you.......
Notice the grime at the passenger door handle and just above the exhaust. Beautiful.
Points gained for artistic "tide marks" on lower door.
Don't know why I've blurred out the number plate, cos you couldn't read it anyway.