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Everything posted by monkfish

  1. Good call Andy. Rear wheel drive would be far more fun. Also, what about an old 200SX. I know it's turbocharged, but you must be able to pick scrappers up for pennies. What's reliability like with them?
  2. Is the bulge cosmetic or does it actually the clearance? Im not sure, but i think i read somewhere it does actually need the extra room, but i would like to see that for myself Yeah, the bulge is to "accommodate the new engine" apparently. It must protrude slightly higher or summin'.
  3. ....word on the street is that it's babies willies! yeah but they taste ok cooked in breadcrumbs and disguised. Anyway, isn't a scampi a scampi and not a prawn - you're probably all to young to remember the scampi on fingerbobs the kids programme......... Yeah, isn't scampi the Italian word for langoustine? (Val?) You probably rarely get real scampi in lower end restaurants anyway. I think they use monkfish tail a lot of the time!!
  4. The 2007 model comes with a flying shoe avoidance system as standard.
  5. I've no doubt at all that this guy is genuine and I think he's been given an unneccessary hard time. Would you pay almost half the value of your car as insurance? I sure as hell wouldn't. I used to insure hot hatches THIRD PARTY ONLY when I was younger to avoid the insurance shafting. Luckily I never pranged any of my cars. Good luck selling the parts mate. Shame about your car.
  6. Stevie - You posting when you're drunk again?
  7. Good choice mate and to the forum!! You'll enjoy the zed!!
  8. Yeah, but if you come from a large family, everyone gets a leg!!
  9. All about personal preference, Nixy. Doesn't matter what we all think. Personally I chose the coupe because I think it looks better and living in Scotland I'd need balls of steel to go for a soft top. I'm sure lots of people will disagree with me regarding the looks and good on them. Different strokes for different folks and all that.......
  10. What rims have you got, Ross?
  11. Totally agree, But love Japanese food If any of you get a chance go to wagamama and have the Katsu Curry, its out of this world: Check link www.wagamama.co.uk There might be one near you. Go to Wagamama all the time. Gotta be Chicken Chilli Men
  12. .....cue the Gary Glitter jokes.........
  13. Totally agree! I'll never vote for them again. Being a self-employed contractor, Brown has been after our kind ever since he moved into 11 Downing Street. The man is completely bonkers and is hell-bent on destroying small businesses and anyone who's self-employed for that matter. Get them out The only pity is, I don't have a great deal of confidence in any of the other shambolic parties.
  14. Think the petition closed at midnight.... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/6381153.stm
  15. Just been sent this link to an Escort forum from a mate. Check out the rip-off that takes place!! They don't realise it's a rip-off till well on in the thread. Apparently he's been doing the rounds on other car forums with similar scams. So, keep yer eyes peeled guys!! To be fair, the Admin here have a policy of a minimum number of posts before you can sell iirc. http://www.escortevolution.co.uk/forums ... opic=74748
  16. I agree Digsy, but I would love to try his 10 bird roast!! (and that's not a Newcastle United FC Christmas night out btw)
  17. Too true! Muppets in RS4s. Doesn't bear thinking about!!
  18. Hmmmm, I doubt I'd ever get bored of the new RS4.
  19. I like anything with lots of chilli and garlic in it!!
  20. monkfish

    New Maser!

    Yep, it's a beauty!!
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