My first car was a green X-reg Mk1 Astra. Absolute shed. I loved it though. Used to get stolen fortnightly as you could open the doors with a spoon and had the faint smell of cat_piss which I never got to the bottom of....
At the moment.........
Bloc Party - A Weekend in the City.
Squarepusher - Hello Everything.
Alex Smoke - Incommunicado.
Aphex Twin - Richard D James Album.
DJ Shadow - The Outsider.
Iron Maiden - A Matter of Life and Death.
Too true. The ESP on the 350 isn't the sharpest. I've had a couple of big slides with it on and I've no doubt it would be possible to spin the car with it switched on.
Ahh, that explains it!! When my car was in for a service a couple of weeks ago, they said that they had put 5 litres of screenwash in it even though I had put 5 litres in the day before!!