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Everything posted by monkfish

  1. Looking fantastic, Liam.
  2. That's not too bad! Result!! Still, it should never be happening in the first place.
  3. Thought so. Cheers for that. I won't be so naive at my next service.
  4. Derek, Where did you get your P1 service done? I just paid £190 for a P1 service (with them providing the oil) at Parks Nissan Ayr. Think I've been shafted!
  5. Yes another GT4 owner These GT4s are getting very common. I thought they were meant to be limited edition.
  6. When you use Firefox, do you have to think in Russian?
  7. "I ain't got time for this tree-huggin' hippy crap!!" Eric Cartman MBE
  8. Sarnie - Apparently that UY is the "Best GT4 in the country!" Surely you have something to say about that.
  9. Good man! A speeding ticket already then?
  10. mate!! Ask away! Not that I'll be able to answer anything but I'm sure a lot of the guys will.
  11. Yeah Stevie, fuel prices are rising to nearly a third of the price we pay in the UK.
  12. Yeah, and he knows that. And he knows that we'll do f*ck all about it. Easy money for him.
  13. What a f*cking joke this government is. I hope the Tories get in as soon as possible and end this complete and utter madness!! Also, being self-employed, I've just had to totally change how I manage my company because of that f*cking bell-end Brown. He's been nothing but a total pain in the arse since he became chancellor. W*nker!!
  14. Yep me too. Sits low when warm and idling, but the general consensus is that it's normal.
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