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Everything posted by monkfish

  1. Good luck Ross. I did my BEng in Mechanical & Electrical Engineering while I was still working between 1996-2000 and it was bloody hard work. The last thing you need after a hard days work is to come home to start studying for an exam. And then there's the coursework & projects!!! Nightmare. Never mind mate, it'll soon be over. Makes you realise how easy the full time students have got it.
  2. Very nice mate. You lucky sod. On the other side of the coin, I was over in Sweden last weekend and hired a VW Golf from Avis. Got there and was told I had been upgraded........to...............wait for it............ a Hyundai Sonata. Needless to say, I thrashed the fooking tits off it.
  3. Sorry to hear of your woes mate but glad you're taking it so well. Hope you get it all sorted and looking forward to seeing the latest additions to your engine bling!
  4. Now you'll be able to look at all the birdshit on your roof.
  5. Sorry to hear this Louis. Do what you gotta do, it's only a car. You'll get another one once everything's sorted.
  6. "With great power comes great responsibility." - Spiderman's Uncle.
  7. Nice car collection!!
  8. Totally. I noticed him too. It's like "Ok, today's experiment: We're gonna put a complete dork in the new M3 and see what happens."
  9. monkfish

    My New Wheels

    Fantastic looking wheels Ian!! Go great with the GM.
  10. That'll be ferocious!! Good hike in power. I'd still rather have an RS4 though.
  11. Here you go mate........ CLICKY I am serious however Then I wish you all the best mate!! As the guys above have already said, buying it is one thing, keeping it on the road will have you haemorrhaging money.
  12. Here you go mate........ CLICKY
  13. monkfish

    Watch out

    Holy shiit!! That's terrible!
  14. Nightmare mate. You did the right thing in my book. I read an article once where car owners in Jo'burg had fitted flamethrowers at each door (under the car) because carjacking had become such an problem. I'm not saying that Durban is in the same league as Jo'burg when it comes to crime, but I just thought it was drastic measures to have to take!!
  15. +1 (+1) No excuses. Kiddo or not he made an arse of it. Total buffoonery of the highest order. Take him down, m'Laud.
  16. MMmmmmmm. Marmite toothpaste....... gththhghthgthtghhhh.......
  17. Bumper and bonnet looking great Val. PS. I really like the OEM 18's in black. Seriously considering doing mine likewise.
  18. +1 It's staggering the lack of knowledge with some of these dealers. It's their job, for f*ck sake!! I'd have the guy who wrote that advert sacked immediately.
  19. Outstanding, fella!!
  20. Very nice, Swiss!!
  21. It looks like an open-toed sandal.
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