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Everything posted by monkfish

  1. That's a very bold post considering the vast amount of people on here with private plates. Personally I've got a private plate because I like the idea of private plates. The new style of registrations IMO look like shite, with too many digits. My opinion. "but when these things cost £00 and quite often £000 it all seems such a waste to me. " Yeah, to you, but how I spend my 00's and 000's is my business. And one thing's for sure, there's not many of us will lose money on our plates. PS... The guy on your street, Tom, cool plate. Must be worth 000's that. PPS.... If someone offered you D1CKY for nowt, would you put it on your car???
  2. ................ I LOVE GERMAN AUTO ENGINEERING!! CLICKY F430
  3. Bell are good until you get speeding points, at which point they ask you to bend over then proceed to insert a large cactus into your anus.
  4. A friend of mine when she first saw my zed, commented that it looked like a cross between a Porsche and an Audi TT, but much better looking than both....... ..................which was nice.
  5. Thanks mate Yeah they do..... tis so that you can sit down before you faint when you look at your credit card balance!
  6. I love them! Gorgeous!! PS... Do all new alloys these days come with free wooden benches??
  7. No mate, I'm sure Phil's selling the modded one (ie the one this thread is about) as well...
  8. And what is it supposed to say? Initially it's meant 2 b my surmane 'CHENG' but coinicidentally it also stands for 'combat 18, england' not something i'm proud of, oh well. Only found out by many strangers telling me as i get out the car, supposedly worth a few bob too. Get shot of it mate!!
  9. I feel for you buddy. That's absolutely pathetic. WTF can you do? Have you ever seen the Michael Douglas film "Falling Down"? If not, I suggest you watch it tonight.
  10. Also, I'm not saying it's a bad thing being able to access the info on this site. I think it's a great thing how you can browse this site and have a good dig around without registering. Really good when newbies stumble upon us. I hate when I get sent a link to a forum or something of that ilk then you can't get in because you haven't registered on the specific website. Bollox to that.
  11. Ah good point that I'd forgotten about But guess you still have to find us or go looking? I don't know..... still think we should remove them if we can before posting on You Tube considering all the publicity it gets! I agree.
  12. That's the fan belt you're on about mate. There's no cam belt on the zed. Chain driven apparently.
  13. But you can see all the pics and videos on here without logging on.
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