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Everything posted by monkfish

  1. Very nice Sarnie. I had a wee joust with one of those a couple of months ago on one of my "private dual-carriageways". Lovely looking and sounding car. I expected it would have destroyed me in a drag, but it didn't pull away from me as much as I thought it would. The driver gave me and my trusty steed a respectful nod as we parted ways at one of my "private roundabouts". The zed bows to no-one!!
  2. to the forum, mate!! Glad you're lovin' the zed.
  3. Damn low-mileage drivers complicating everything!! They should all do 9000 miles every 7 months like me!!
  4. A PLANE!! A PLANE!! Nice one Louis. What kind? Do you own the full bhoona or just a share in the plane?
  5. Yet another muppet has pranged a Koenigsegg in Sweden. Apparently he was on the phone and hit another car. http://www.aftonbladet.se/vss/helsingbo ... 40,00.html
  6. Sunset coupe heading into Glasgow from Ayrshire this morning on the M77. Had an M prefix private plate. Ross?? I was heading out of Glasgow and saw it on the opposite carriageway at the last moment.
  7. Team Brute is possibly the gayest name I've ever heard. Either that or you'd expect Kevin Keegan or Henry Cooper to be promoting you. Also, X Academy sounds like a cross between X Factor and Fame Academy!!.........which is very un-cagefighty. Academy-X, however.
  8. ........... ....................*BURP*...
  9. Yeah, sorry to hear that Sarnie. I'll just, like, hang around till they fix it for you.
  10. Hello and mate!! Great looking car you've got there. Must have been a sore one letting the 911 go. Never mind, the zed'll put a smile back on your face!!
  11. I think I've soiled myself! The guy dancing in the black vest is brilliant!! They're right about the cliche ridden script, but I've no doubt it was deliberate. Comic book stuff along the lines of Sin City. CGI blood everywhere. Techno soundtrack for the battle scenes. I loved it. As for Butler's accent, I don't think I've ever heard anyone put on a Greek accent in a Greek mythology movie. If Michael Caine had played the part, King Leonidas would've been a cockney.
  12. ha ha! Quality!! Can't wait to see the result.
  13. Knew you'd like it mate. Good old mortal combat!!
  14. LMAO its a gorilla choking out another gorilla Ahhh, I see. I say go with it!!
  15. Has anyone seen the movie 300?? I thought it was absolutely fantastic!!
  16. Nice! Just one thing. Is that a gorilla or a yeti on the sig?
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