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Everything posted by dbryder

  1. Yeh, I assumed I'd use one each time I needed to repair one going by my 350z experience with soft paint, but only having the Z for 5 months scuppered it (and I got no stone chips in that time, or maybe the paint healed itself!)
  2. I bought a couple of these from motorsportauto in the US, since I couldn't get it in the UK for whatever reason - cost was $41.90 USD for 3 inc shipping. My Z is now sold, so if anyone wants one, ill send them to you for the postage cost, they are unopened (So if they don't match don't blame me!). its Genuine Nissan, paint code QAB first come first served etc
  3. I updated the Ad to reflect the current status. I havent done anything to the car except MOT, Tax and wash it, its doing about 50 miles a week atm I'm in Shalford, about 4 miles from Guildford. Had some muppet offer me £5k today in cash, but I told him no David
  4. Now £7495 - I cant afford to keep running 2 cars
  5. Not really, tbh I couldnt tell on the original pictures, it was a grade 4. Its nothing too bad, you cant even see them from some angles, but I know they are there (sorry for the PM Digsy, I misclicked) David
  6. dbryder

    Bose swap

    Yeh I live in Guildford. Would like to swap it out to get UK radio too, but I'm tempted just to replace it with something DVD or HD based tbh. Colour looks the same to me, grey Davidb
  7. dbryder

    Bose swap

    So, before I even got my import I bought a UK Bose headunit on Ebay. I've never fitted it, I asked the main dealer in Guildford to once, but they said they couldnt as I didnt know the 'code' The guy who sold it to me doesnt exist anymore it seems, as this was 18 months ago, and I'm kinda thinking about doing it myself and just seeing if it works as mine has a really bad skipping habit when cold atm. Anyone know anything about this mysterious code I dont have? or was it a story I was told because they didnt want to swap it for me? Cheers David
  8. I posted my full cost with Bonsai about halfway down this thread: http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... sc&start=0 /D
  9. Had the same coming off a roundabout at about 15MPH 2 weeks ago. Thought it was just me planting it too much and kept driving home. I'd like to think I caught the slide just in time and powered out of it.. but more likely I just hit clean tarmac and got grip again. Was scary though, and there was a queue of stationary traffic on the other side. Went past the same bit that evening, and what did I see, a biker on the floor and shopping everywhere, which was when it clicked it was diesel. /David
  10. http://www.bonsaicars.com/images/616-20 ... lady_Z.htm I have mine at home but not at work.. Bonsai translate the Auction sheet for you, so you might be able to match that one to yours? /David
  11. If you have your original Auction text handy, it should say if a spare key was present, and/or a BIMTA certificate. If it was there, you are perfectly entitled to ask the importer to provide it, as they should have taken it with the other key. /David
  12. The Japanese owner of the car must have used Car Washes, or a slightly abrasive sponge, as there were fine scratches and swirl marks over most of the car (only really visible in the dark, with a light shone on it) Pretty much gone now http://www.autopia-carcare.com/meg-g-10307.html /David
  13. Would be up for a set of these too! Stealers have quoted 110 _each_ for OEM? crazy. /David
  14. @Lomoto - nope that battery was a straight swap. Here are some pics Washed, Polished with Scratchx and then waxed with NXT wax. Front Back Side Came across a few issues - Boot struts are shot (ouch, my head) and it needs some TLC on the Front wheels and scuffs along the sideskirt, but all in all no more surprises. /David
  15. All sorted! Took it to ATS - Nice guys but didnt have a clue - suggested main Nissan dealer as they had never seen terminals like that. Took it to ABS in Guildford, I caught the guy as he was getting in. He checked battery and said yep dead, no problem. Went out back, got a battery, fitted it and I started it up perfectly. (10 mins it took in total) Was 78 quid all in so I'm happy For anyone interested, the battery he put in - according to my invoice: VARTA ASIA DYNAMIC (B31) product code 545155033 - 66.49 + VAT Fitted free - So top marks for ABS from me. /David
  16. Thanks Lomoto. The terminal change, is that something any garage can do? - or would it be quite specialist? Davidb
  17. Picked up the car today, finally! SVAUK had their xmas party last night apparently, there was noone about and a lot of fresh Jap imports.. Picked up the car, and docs etc. First thing I had to do was put some fuel in it, as it was bone dry. Chucked 'Home' in the TomTom (I was at Southampton docks) and then chose 'Navigate to petrol station on route' 5 mins later I came to a BP garage. Stoped on the side to fill my old car up.. doh first mistake. got back in the car, turned the key and... nothing (well click click click) There was a queue behind me at this point, and it was pretty embarassing. Cue Chris from Bonsai driving to find me and giving me a Jump start. During the confusion I managed to press the imobiliser switch into the dash (@#$!) and Chris took me to a local mechanic he knew to sort it out (remember SVAUK were not there) Short drive later we had it all fixed, the car was stopped, and restarted again so I hoped everything would be fine. I then drove the 65 or so miles home, again hoping the battery would be charged. Got home, went in, came out 5 mins later as I needed to pickup my GF from work and guess what, no Start again. I dont have any jump leads here, so I rang the local Nissan garage, they had sold their only stock 350z battery yesterday, so no fun for me in the car today now @*!# end to a @*!# day BTW - anyone know the specs of the battery I would need? I'm sorely tempted to go to ATS/Halfords or anywhere!) /David
  18. Sooo close The DVLA returned my docs for not having the number of seats on the V55c filled in All they needed to do was put *2* /Sigh /David
  19. Did you fill your car with Red bull? as its got Car Wings PDF here : http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/worksem/ict-au ... ikuera.pdf /D
  20. My Documents went to the DVLA today, which should hopefully mean I pick up my car next week. My original estimate was £13,400, total £13,431.45 all so thats pretty good. Was a bit scary sending £10k to Japan, and Bonsai can be a little bit on the slow side but Emily has done a great job for me recently /Davidb
  21. My local Nissan Dealer (Bishops in Guildford) has no issues servicing my old Auto JDM Z. The Autobox is used in other UK Nissan's ya know /Unga
  22. Not received it yet no The Auction payment went to Japan on Monday. (I tried to make it at my bank on Saturday, but it couldnt be sent till Monday - and the yen rose against the pound adding nearly £100 to the amount ) Will see how long it takes and what I am asked to pay for. Thanks for the quick reply! /David
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