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Everything posted by sinbad

  1. Very nice Tim!! Can you pm me the cost?
  2. Maybe you should take the nails out then? Seriously though mate, you are welcome Sinbad, you ain't on the list yet? Are you coming mate? Come on, you know you want to! He is on there. RUBY SLIPPERS Ah ok, must have missed that thread when away! http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... c&start=15 I hate you....... You know reading that thread makes me think theres a conspiracy here. And there i was just blaming Tim. It seems Louis, Sarnie, Mike and Val where all involved. We'll see eh...
  3. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350z-Axis- ... dZViewItem
  4. sinbad

    GT-R prices

    Only if you let me have a go!
  5. sinbad

    New M3 Engine

    N n n n n n nnnnnnice!
  6. sinbad

    GT-R prices

    Sounds good to me! Initial reports where that it was going to be between 60-80k.
  7. Copy Cat! Thats the plate and indicators you've got! :teeth: Nice mate!
  8. I'll make that offer too, again my spare sofa bed isn't the comfiest in the world. However, I have also got a massive couch that is the comfiest place in the world. Anyone is more than welcome (yes even Sarnie!) That's relly tempting Andy, i only live 15mins from the meet but my bed is like sleeping on nails at the moment, plus the PS3? Mmmmm...........
  9. Cheers all, you've been really helpfull! Don't know what i'd do without this forum. I'm kinda coming to terms on how it all works. Keep an eye out for me though, i'll probably be back "when" i get stuck! lol
  10. Cheers!! Yeah Halfords can do the tape or i'll bring my roll on the NW drive and you can have some of that if you want. I got my plate from a local car shop for £9. Halfords wanted £15 i think. 4 screws, two for the plate and two for the bracket. For such little effort its made a good difference i think. might be being thick here (again) but why the screws if you stuck it straight on the bumper? Had to take the old plate off. putting the new plate on was a case of using a few strips of tape and then press on.
  11. Cheers!! Yeah Halfords can do the tape or i'll bring my roll on the NW drive and you can have some of that if you want. I got my plate from a local car shop for £9. Halfords wanted £15 i think. 4 screws, two for the plate and two for the bracket. For such little effort its made a good difference i think.
  12. 5 minute job as Jacko said. didn't find it difficult at all just fiddly. Got them off DJ Dunk off here. recieved them next day too. Nixy - The double sided sticky tape should come off with hot soapy water. Guess it's similar to the stuff used on car badges. I have a full roll of the stuff if anyone wants some at the NW meet.
  13. Ok Before: After: Notice the orange indicators too. yeah.......
  14. right bloomin ek. let me upload them then.
  15. It cost me £30 for laser wheel alignment. Back was out more than the front. If i remember right, he just aletered the settings with a spanner and watched on the computer screen as he was adjusting it until it came into manufacturer's specs. If no adjustment was needed he wouldn't have charged.
  16. I stuck mine on over the weekend, looks smart. Just used some outdoor double sided sticky tape. 5 minute job. I'll PM you pics if you want?
  17. Well my broadband isn't always on, i'm guessing that my line is always active at the actual phone socket but Its down to the modem that was supplied by talktalk that is making me dial up whennever i want to use it. Probably down to security. Anyway ended up buying this: http://www.microdirect.co.uk/(4934)Netgear-DG834G-54Mbps-Wireless-ADSL-Router.aspx I'll wing it when it comes.. Fingers crossed!
  18. Ha ha!! thats soo funny! Get some pictures.
  19. Well i have dial up broadband (2.2mb) connection with talktalk. What do i need to buy to go wireless? From my understanding it isn't as straight forward as normal due to my broadband connection being dial-up and not permanently on. I Just want to go wireless and its sooo confusing!! help meee........ Do i just need something like this: http://www.microdirect.co.uk/(5941)Belkin-54MB-Wireless-CableDSL-Gateway-Router.aspx
  20. I was sooooooooo tempted with option 4!!
  21. sinbad


    Phew!! Its just that the set of tyres i've got on are pretty cheap stuff Avon ZZ3's (Can't wait to get them off!) and were put on by the importer so slight chance of being the wrong size. Anyway when i rang the tyre dealer he said that if the fronts are 45's the rears are usually a size smaller 40's? He just wanted to double check with me that the sizes where correct. glad thats cleared, i was worried then!
  22. sinbad


    Eh? I've just ordered a set of Falkens for £446 fitted. But my sizes are 225/45/18 and 245/45/18 are these sizes right?
  23. Wow, i can't believe how big this has got now. It's gunna be a blinder, especially if the weather is good. Glad you can make it Sarnie! Skyline + BMW too!
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