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Everything posted by sinbad

  1. Ooo, i could be up for this. My brother lives nearby and i got my car from Bedale. Cant confirm yet, but i'll get back to you asap.
  2. mini, The Nismo sounds great and being behind Mark for a short while on the NW run i thought his DC sounded great too. Obviously if you can get a ultra rare Kakimoto then it would be even better... Whichever you pick i don't think you'll go wrong, they all sound brilliant. I fitted both my exhaust and K&N filter pretty easily.
  3. Who's that idiot with their arm out the window?
  4. Ruby, great Kakimoto zorst! Liam lost to beavis at a drag race? ooooo that won't go down well! PS Liam turned up nealy last in the morning, with a wheelspin in the car park.... everybody turned around commenting... "here's the mong of the group".... Just messing, we love you Liam!!!! Cheers Val, not to everyones taste but i like it. Was hoping to see your bonnet, make sure you get it sorted for the next meet (if Jacko has recovered by then). Was good catching up with you anyway.
  5. I'd also like to thank everybody for chipping in to help organising and making sure the day ran smoothly. Especially Beavis for getting the numbers up and Jacko, I know it was stressful but it was worth it! The Biggest ever 350z meet! It was great to get to meet some new people and catch up with others. Everyone was "really nice" and it just goes to show what a good club we make. I'll post some pics and videos up as soon as i can. Liam (Liam's Z) - Your an absolute loony!! Glad you could come with us this time. Oh and yes, i did see Beavis kick ur arse in the drag! lol. Thanks all again, had a great day. More.....More....More................
  6. nice advert. is there a large difference in V-power and F1 fuel?
  7. Why dont you use your sig and use BAD BREEDS? Freedom Fighters Team Vendetta Combat Warriors
  8. sinbad

    Few useful bits

    Most of that stuff has been for sale for a while.
  9. My thoughts are with you also Phil.
  10. Hi Jacko, you have PM. Don't know why i was excluded. been up for this since the begining. Cant wait. Need to get the wax out ready for saturday. Just got some clear bumper inserts, so they'll be goin on the car saturday too. See you all there!!
  11. Don;t know how reliable it is, or whether you can view it via this link but it aint looking too good. http://www.netweather.tv/index.cgi?acti ... Lake;sess=
  12. Previously had AVON ZZ3's and they where o.k. in the dry but abit skittish in the wet. I've had a set of Falken 452's on for a few days now and there soo much grippier. Its given me alot more feedback through the steering wheel and reduced alot of road noise. The handling has changed alittle too with the front end being much sharper, giving a sense of more oversteer. This may change once they've worn in alittle more, but im very please so far, especially at the price. Had them fitted for £450 all in. UPDATED: Ok had them on for a couple of weeks now and all i can say is that the Zed should have come with these standard. The oversteer i was feeling was just the tyres wearing in, its become more neutral now. The grip has improved 10 fold and i feel much more confident driving the zed now. I'd certainly recommend these to anyone buying tyres for there 350. Top Tyre!!
  13. sinbad

    Watch out

    Sorry, I took it to mean that he was being freaked by being driven, which might not be surprising after being attacked in that way. I can understand both your views but its mainly to do with him feeling unsafe and that he could get hi-jacked again. Obviously it would be easier to get an insurance payout but i don't think he's too bothered about that at the moment he's still shook up. Like i say, he's still unsure on whether he wants it back but it will come down to how he feels when he gets it back. I know he's mentioned that if he does get it back he will probably knock a few grand off and just get rid of it. I must admit, after someone drove head on into me i've always felt insecure in a passeneger seat and this happened over a year ago now. I don't know why that is but i can only reckon its because im not in control.
  14. sinbad

    Watch out

    He had some "For Sale" signs up as he was selling it. My mate doesn't sound like he wants the car back. He was getting anxious being passenger in my car.
  15. sinbad

    Watch out

    Well the guy who rang my mate complaining did say he noticed two guys kept driving past watching it? But then again they did dump it in a funny place causing a slight blockage in the road, so it was bound to get noticed by somebody. Anyway, from what i've heard the car is in good condition. They didn't nick his new top either but still not sure if they took his keys and wallet.
  16. sinbad

    Watch out

    Still not got his car back yet though.. Police want to look at it for prints.
  17. sinbad

    Watch out

    Had to pick him up from the police station last nite. Anyway more of the story.. As he was washing his car he threw his jacket and keys on the passenger seat, then changed his shoes leaving his wallet inside too. I never do this and he knows that it was stupid, but with loads of people around he didnt expect anything to happen. Anyway they managed to get away with his car and used it to try and hi-jacked 6 others. one of them was a 4x4 driven by a woman. The 4x4 was a company car and had a tracker fitted. Traffic police followed and tried to pull it over but it drove off. They then set up a road block but the 4x4 smashed through it, so then the police got a helicopter up. From what i heard, as soon as they saw the helicopter the three gave themselves up. From what my mate said and saying that they tried to hi-jacked 6 others there must have been a large group of them, possibly 2 cars full. So catching the 3 of them is only a small portion of there group. While my mate was in the police station he had a phone call from a guy asking if he was selling a Focus RS. when my mate said he was, the guy had a go at him for parking it in a "stupid" spot. Anyway after telling him it had been nicked, the guy gave details of its whereabouts which is only a 2/3 miles away from where they hi-jacked it from my mate and pretty close to where he lives. Also to note one of the police officers mentioned that sometimes to hi-jack your car they bump into the back of you at a set of traffic lights and when you get out to have a go, they jump you and take the car. I remember reading on here only a couple of days ago that someone had been bumped into at a set of lights at night and then drove away through a red light. Whoever it was, you did the right thing!
  18. sinbad

    Watch out

    In wigan. If you know it at all it was the petrol station near wigan pier. There was a Que of traffic on the road at the side of the petrol station too. The guy in the next jet wash saw the lad jumping in the drivers seat and shouted to my mate to see if he knew him, but it was too late... Im really really gutted. I can only imagine what it would be like to go through. My mate sounded o.k. but it's only just happened. Said his legs were hurting where they had tried to run him over.
  19. sinbad

    Watch out

    Just thought i'd let you all know and remind you to be cautious. My mate has just had his Focus RS hi-jacked from him. He was washing it at a busy petrol station when a group of lads in a toyota avensis got him talking about the sale of his car when one of them jumped into the drivers seat. The Toyota drove into my mate twice to try and stop him from jumping in the passenger side as he had hold of the passenger door handle. Anyway to cut a long story short they managed to get away with his car. Toyota plates where fake. handed in CCTV footage to police but doubt they can do much. Absolutely gutted for him and just glad he's o.k. I'm really upset about this. Gunna pick him up later and bring him round mine for a cuppa. Please Beware!!
  20. Oh so it WAS you who i was bidding against! lol well i'll have it off you if you don't end up using it. Obviously at a special forum price.
  21. Gotcha.. like your style especially fit ones................ If there is any fit women who need a ride, my passenegr seat will suddenly become available! who needs mates...... I dont need mates got enough with my son wanting to come (ryan) who thought it was brilliant last time, my brother who is car mad and about to buy a Ferrari and my girlfreind!! i need a limo zed!! So which ones coming beavis? I remember us being at the back last time. well....you where because that custard car couldn't keep up! lol
  22. Gotcha.. like your style especially fit ones................ If there is any fit women who need a ride, my passenegr seat will suddenly become available! who needs mates......
  23. sinbad

    New M3 Engine

    Really? never heard of that before, clever if you ask me.
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