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Everything posted by sinbad

  1. what kind if action? the kind? haha!
  2. The smallest is question 12? and you click the dot on the " i " Q15. is "HORSE" doh!
  3. I hope Kevs about! Ha ha, then again from what i've heard you'd paste him! lol
  4. I don't know if this is a repost but hell iv'e just wasted an 30 minutes of my life on this. got to question 42. and decided enough was enough http://www.andkon.com/arcade/puzzle/theimpossiblequiz/
  5. ok i'll go and put one up for you! Be back in a tic It would be great to have a camera that streams on one of the corners
  6. Sure its been on here before? anyway, it updates about once a minute, just saw a Porsche, now some motorbikes about. http://www.nuerburgring.de/fileadmin/webcam/webcam.jpg If someone goes anytime soon, we'll have to time it right so you can give us a wave!
  7. Surely the one at the Nurburgring is more intersting than that! How longs the guy holding the camera been there?
  8. Forgive my ignorance (still a newbie really! ).... What does OEM stand for? OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer Basically a Nissan part made by Nissan themselves.
  9. I quite like this one Perhaps this was unfair, if both cars were stock would the 350Z really have the edge, bearing in mind that both Drivers would be equally skilled? Both standard then the Zed would probably win. Whoever thinks a standard Z will win a supercharged S2000 have blinkers on! S2000's with a standard supercharger are pushing around 300whp and thats on a lighter chassis.
  10. First things is to check that your tyres are ok and that the tracking is good. Bad makes of tyres are just as bad as ones that are worn in my opinion. You don't want to drive a car that is unsafe anyway. My advice on driving is to be smooth with the throttle. Don't just mash it out of the bend, be progressive. Keep your steering movements smooth too, as you take the lock off you can give it more throttle. Getting the balance right is all the fun of having a RWD car. Another thing is to always remember that no matter how much you get used to the car, it is still a powerfull RWD. Giving it alot of throttle out of bends in the WET is certainly going to overload the rears and cause you to slide. I personally, with the amount of oil and rubbish on our roads try to not give it any beans when its wet.
  11. Plenty of people have supercharged and turbocharged them. check out www.s2ki.com Its not the VTEC that doesnt suit it, its more to do with the high compression ratio. There's lots of turbo/supercharged civics about too and they have VTEC.
  12. Or this GT1 MMmmmmmmmmm....... http://www.tommychang.net/2005/06/amuse-s2000-gt1.htm
  13. oh you did not just go there !!!, I had graffics and flame stickers on my car cos I was taken in by that whole fast and furious thing... Everybody has been there at one stage in their life havnt they? [/i] Nope! Not taking in to account prices, mileage etc.. and just looking at the cars, Truthfully i'd go for the supercharged S2000. I think they look good and if you watch some of the best motoring clips they only lose out to the Z on the straights, so performance wise they would be quicker than a standard Z. I wouldn't mind an Amuse R1 S2000 . I'd guess the Zed would be the better drivers car though. If both wre standard i'd take the Z, if both where modded i'd take the Z.
  14. sinbad

    MPV Question

    Peugeot 807 and Citroen C8 do.
  15. I like a change, my aim is to drive everything. I'm well on with it, I've had lots of interesting cars but there is still so much out there that I haven't had. I'm very strict with myself in terms of the business too, I won't sink so much money into one car that it hurts the business so it's a gradual process of re-investing the profits and working my way up into proper cars. I'm not sure what I fancy next, it might be just a case of seeing what comes along. If i was in your position i would do the exact same thing. Their's nothing better than jumping in a car you haven't ever driven before. I always try to have a go in what i can get my hands on, i feel like my own car reviewer! sad but true!
  16. Haha... well you did have it for sale! Reading your other thread i know how much you liked the Monaro, why don't you use the money you made and find another, they can't be that rare can they?
  17. BTW i like the Fairlady badge!
  18. +1 Dude why are you selling? Tell me about it. i dont really want to sell it, but i need to get on the housing market before interest rates go up further. Its hard to get a house as it is and my wage isnt exactly matching the rise in house prices. If i cant have my car then im going to get a motorbike to tie me over with, which is the reason i did my CBT recently. Im really going to be upset when it finally goes. I keep trying to put it off to tell you the truth, i just love getting in the thing and just driving. Although i'll probably still linger around here for a while like Kev, i will miss chatting with u all, yup.. even you two spammers!! and especially not being able to go on another Wales meet. Maybe in the future i'll have another or possibly see Sarnie on a Gallardo Forum or summat... yeah rite!
  19. trust me i don't! i followed a link from another forum to have a laugh he he.. Zedrush - your not serious are you? i hope the clios aren't all like that on there.
  20. http://www.forum-clio.com/index.php/top ... ge_33.html I like the carbon bits and rev counter, but not sure on how they've done the exhaust!
  21. sinbad

    Car review

    http://ces.autotrader.co.uk/ces/roadtes ... ice=28597# 0-60 in 7 seconds? Not that it matetrs but it makes you think who actually writes these reviews? Do they actually drive them?
  22. http://www.getsomenuts.tv/ go on.. ask him a question! Im teaching fools some basic rules!!
  23. anymore reviews? I mite buy this so i can play it on my mates xbox. he he..
  24. the goldon bars in the engine bay... are they the fuel rails?
  25. sinbad

    CTD Germany

    Just thought id post this link. Ive had it over a year an no ones mentioned it. May be useful to 1 or 2 people. They do some carbon parts etc.. i like the carbon vent trims and door bits. I think Tim has the ones near the door handle? http://www.ctd-germany.com/index.htm
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