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Everything posted by sinbad

  1. Cheers guys. It was tough. very tough but i thouroughly enjoyed every step of it and it was for a good cause. I was pretty happy with my time, the start was hard, the road bottle necked and everyone got crushed so i had to weave in and out of people to find some space. I struggled at the end but the people cheering really helps to egg you on. Cant wait to do another 10k , but this time i think i'll do some more training. Maybe half marathon next year.... we'll see
  2. Don't you think thats lettinig them off lightly? Our justice system has gone to pot!!
  3. like H5 says it could be the passenger who is disabled. In fact this reminds me of the clip from "me, myself and irene" where he trashes a car parked in a disabled spot and then out walks the owner from the shop pushing his gran in a wheelchair ! haha
  4. Me too!!! Texas Hold-em is great to play. Its about the luck of your hand, how you play your hand, reading other people in case they are bluffing etcc. (i seem to be good at this) and basically just having fun and abit of banter. I only learned the game last year, you really need to play to learn the game. Just do it with a few friends and see what happens. Its really easy to play once you know the basic rules, the fun really starts when you can play mind games. When money is involved it becomes a completely different kettle of fish! haha
  5. I completed the Great North Manchester Run on sunday in 1h 3mins. Wayhey me!! My first ever 10k run in my life and only trained for a week. It was an unbelievavle feeling crossing that line and i fancy more! Anyone else do it? Anyway before i do another 10k run ive been asked to do the Lyke Wake walk across the moors, which is basically 40+miles in under 12 hours!! Now thats bloomin far! But before i go ahead and put my name down i thought id ask if anyone else had done this and what they thought? Ive never heard of this walk before?
  6. I went 2 years ago, and last year Jacko was kind enough to give me his tickets. I've made sure i've got my name down this year!! Its not bad for a free event. who else will be going? Fancy a convoy?
  7. I get idiots like this all the time Dan! They seem to get a laugh from causing a nuisance. I just try to stay calm and just think that if i get worked up he's won. So i chill and just remember im saving fuel by cruising along. Sometimes ive not been able to keep my cool and had a few run-ins with people and have plenty of stories. I even kicked one guys car door which im not very proud of. You live and learn i suppose, just try not to swoop to their level. Idiots like you had should be reported to the police. but again, what are they really going to do?
  8. sinbad

    Mud Flaps!

    Let us know how you get on Stew, i'd be interested in some of these.
  9. Id just like to say that i don't wanna see you go Beavis. I hope you can work it out.
  10. Its the bloomin time bombs at the end that do my head in. I hate being rushed.
  11. haha, you know you want to!! Ive got them right here...... are you sure? Want me to PM you them so no one knows?
  12. You want the answers Zedrush?
  13. Zedrush - I cant believe this has taken over your life for the past two days!! How did you get on anyway?? I had a million phone calls from my mates yesterday asking for the answers.
  14. Ooops my bad! I meant stuey!
  15. Nice work Andy. I'm loving that rear bumper too.
  16. V.Nice! Whats going on in the front passenger seat., theres tons of gubbings in the footwell and is that the dash sticking out?
  17. Sod that.. Im getting in on the action. I'll take one! Their both stunning. Zedrush - You can have the thai boxer, i aint having no bird beat the S**T out of me! haha
  18. well ive been past 102 so its definately 110!
  19. Eeek., what does it sound like? I don't know truthfully, thats just what i've read on some of the US forums. Stick with the NISMO!
  20. Ha Ha you loony! Theres 110 levels. make sure you've used all you "skip's" by the time you get to Q110. the last 10 are pretty damn hard!
  21. well done buddy!!!!!! oh yeah, ive heard the borla weighs a ton too (not literally) and can rattle due to its many parts
  22. well that would make sense then , Dan - im pretty sure your going to need a ps2 mouse (most are usb nowadays) , it would need setting up in BIOS as mentioned above, oh by the way i have a lifetimes supply of microsoft usb optical mice + adapters to convert to ps2 should anyone need one
  23. if your mouse or keyboard are USB then i cant see how it can be done as they only get power once the pc is switched on? minel - is your keyboard connected via ps2?
  24. sinbad

    shell petrol

    i ran 95 when i first got my import and it ran realy rough! since then i always used either tesco99, v-power or bp ultimate, i even refuse to use tesco97, it runs so much smoother now. im sure the filler cap on mine has a sticker on saying 97 or above. i'll never use 95 again. to be fair the civic-R was tuned for uk95 fuel so the benefits wouldnt be as noticeable
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