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Everything posted by sinbad

  1. stop them! the redstuff are better. Only £100 too and there pretty easy to change. Couple of hours Max if you did it yourself!
  2. Not far with my driving!! if my calcs are right its somewhere around the 350mile mark
  3. EBC redstuff pads £100 or Ferodo ones which are slightly more. check the trader section on here.
  4. You mean Craig now... shes gone man ?? Anyway, Sl114 isn't using any brakes at the moment except the ones on his pushbike as he has just sold his car. AndyC i think has the standard setup like you apart from having Redstuff brake pads. £100 is for both front and back pads. If buying seperately, fronts are about £55 and £55 for rears.
  5. http://www.jtuned.com/content/templates ... 3&zoneid=2
  6. Im kinda in two minds on whether thats good or bad. But im glad you've got it all sorted mate. I know you didnt want to sell but it'll be worth while in the long run!
  7. well thats what i thought. You get some young talent working hard for years, they finally get the oportunity to show what they can do on TV and find that MTV have the rights to their songs. Ive not looked at it fully but i bet its all in the small print. I just wondered what Louis thought with him having inside knowledge etc...
  8. Hey, you can put a 1.4 turbo lump into one of these and they fly. I'd have one of these, if you want to know what steering feedback is all about, you've found the car! A bag of fun for the price of a packet of crisps. Has the abarth kit too, you gotta get it!
  9. Hi Buddy, Ive just been told about this, have you heard about it? Just wondered what you thought? http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fu ... D=34570397 Scroll down to first video on right hand side.
  10. Ive got it, i was close before but i think your going for one of these... http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/112295.htm Tell me im right!
  11. This? lol http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/177093.htm
  12. Get it done tim! They certainly give a better bite.
  13. Well i think we can conclude that if we all had supercar money we'd all be buying from PistonHeads!
  14. No problem but you should really use the search function, this topic has been covered loads of times. But to answer your question, Brembo is the make of Brakes (Calipers) Just the gold bits you see, the disk's and pads are standard Nissan items. Although the Brembo's are good, Upgrading the brakes is still meant to be one of the best mods you can do to the car. If your just planning on replacing the pads, then go for Redstuff or Ferodo, they can usually work out cheaper and they perform better than the OEM items too.
  15. sinbad

    Porsche 911

    He'll be needing to increase his calorie intake then....
  16. I'll take the Lambo, F430 or GT3, don't think an aston is for me, there just not hardcore enough somehow. I'd probably get a white NSX-R for the daily chore.
  17. Lamborghini have put the steering wheel on upside down! I wouldn't trust them mate, go for a Porsche! haha only messing. You've made a great choice. I think the Black wheels look much better and are certainly more agressive. You need your Lambo to stand out from others and be alittle individual. Tubi exhaust too Can i bag shotgun when you get it? Although im pretty sure i'm 150th on the list!
  18. Search function will bring up loads on brakes. Your looking at around £100 for a set of EBC redstuff all round, alittle bit more for the Ferodo ones. The traders on here will be hard to beat!
  19. the UK entered that dog?! If i was desperate i'd give one or two some of my spare time.
  20. sinbad

    Porsche 911

    He looks nearly as good as me, a few more years training and he mite be worthy of taking me on.. In the pub
  21. I don't think that mini is standard, either that or the driver in the Zed doesn't know how to shift. I admit that with the amount of power and it being lighter that they'll be pretty darn quick, but i really can't see how it will out drag a 350z especially as the speed increases. On that vid the mini continues to pull away? Anyway, who wins doesn't really matter.. Ive only driven a Mini one and i thought it was ok, didnt like the plastic dash or long gearing though.
  22. Veilside Looks Great!! Liking the plate too haha
  23. sinbad

    Porsche 911

    I'd be able to take him!!! Ive got a 6 pack somewhere its just hidden under a stone of flab! I used to love martial arts and used to be pretty good at it too but i just dont have the reactions and flexability in my legs to do it anymore. No pics anyway, no ones pulling ur leg, i wouldn't dare anyway
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