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Everything posted by sinbad

  1. Don't worry it went years ago! They don't look too bad if you've got a convertable, but when youve got spots and your driving a honda civic, it doesn't look good!
  2. But surely they have the evidence and therefore you wouldn't have a chance anyway? Its not like a camera where you could, if so inclined, try to dispute it was you driving. An officer has the discretion to send the driver off with a warning. By admitting to the offence you can't even dispute it in court, well you could but you wouldn't win. The officer that stopped him could have known he was speeding but didnt have a speed gun. By admitting to being over the limit gives him powers to issue him with points and a fine or to court in this case.
  3. Sure was! Got caught on my way up to Chester for the NW meet in October last year at 08:30 on a Sunday morning Got banned on 4th dec and got my license back on Christmas Day!!! I was the only one on the roads thrashing my zed with a christmas hat on and my new slippers!!! Ha Ha
  4. Sarnie - Your in the brightest of bright yellow cars mate. Your bound to get noticed! lol Daron i'll PM you.
  5. After putting my standard exhaust back on the car, the Zed runs alot smoother so if i were doing it, i'd recommend an ecu upgrade. £ per bhp its not very effective but if you don't intend on forced induction at least your car will be running smooth or like it was how nissan intended if you get my meaning. From what ive read, the Borla is meant to be good for bhp gains but your not going to get that much anyway staying N/A, and whatever you make up for over another s/s exhaust (nismo etcc..) you'll lose in weight as the Borla is heavier. You may get 20-30bhp but i don't think you'll acheive that. I really hope i'm wrong mind. Good Luck with it. Let us know how you get on.
  6. I agree totally! You do the crime be prepared to do the time. i know it sounds cheesy but thats the way it is. Why make excuses? They'd prefer you told the truth, so just hold your hands up, you've been caught. I even got one cop saying he thought i was a boy racer until he actually pulled me over and spoke to me. He kept going on about the highway code and that i shouldn't undertake even though i was in traffic doing 5mph? he then spent another five minutes looking for his highway code which he never found haha! I'm embarassed to say that i have been pulled a few times, even when i wasn't doing anything wrong, ive been accused of doing 50mph, no 60mph or is that 70mph boy, and stopped for chasing a Porsche but i've always been let off with a slap on the wrist. I firmly believe if your going to speed their is a time and a place to do it. But if you get caught breaking the law you should be prepared to take the rap.
  7. And you were trying to sell me a 900 Hornet!! I do like them though
  8. The Reliants where funny, especially the first role over. His face when he got out and the camera equipment was all over the floor Sooo funny!! Sarnie get an RS Did any one text for the Tommi Makinen? i did...
  9. If you can afford it, i'd definately do both! Just remember that you will get some money back when you come to sell up as ppl will easily buy the K&N and NISMO off you. Its worth it just for the noise though
  10. £5-6k for a Sports 600 will be getting into "new" territory, and as someone who has purchased a new bike before, I'd advised otherwise, especially if you want to watch the pennies...Also, you'll need to budget for a decent lid, leathers, boots etc... I'm either going to have a good car OR a good bike. I want the bike to be no older than 2-3 years old. I was looking at the 2007 Hornet 600, as i like it over the other naked 600's. I don't think getting a "Sports" bike, as in an R6 or something would be wise as my first bike, i want to learn and build up to them, and i think anything above 600cc will rip my arms off. Maybe i'm wrong, i don't know that much about bikes so i'm open to suggestions...
  11. haha, the Titty Bear more like! Wish i was one of them lol Where was you when i needed them
  12. They are what you think they are and are an OEM item, i didnt get them on my Zed either. keep looking, i'm sure you'll find them. If not get along to Nissan and see if they can source them
  13. Your never really going to get much performance gain with a panel filter or induction kit, but the induction kit will give off abit of a roar from the engine Worth it in my opinion. Just to add, Lomoto has the Pipercross kit which from what i remember he said was good too. The benefit from the K&N is that it comes with the Carbon lid.
  14. Could even have one of them kits that put a spark plug in the exhaust to ignite unburnt fuel or NOS. Can be done to any car. looks smart anyway, you wouldn't want to stand too close to that.
  15. K&N with the carbon lid. Another:
  16. Is it the little round switch with an led on it? If it is, then that'll be your fog light! Well done buddy, hope you enjoy the car. You'll have to get out on one of the meets, its great fun.
  17. No i can completely understand. Aesthetically the wheels don't fill the arches fully, but i believe its much more important to have a good ride and handling setup. Only you'll know if thats right for you. Even so, its real eye candy as it is! Any performance improvement with the exhaust? do you need a remap or anything?
  18. Looks great Kev. You've made some nice choices. i especially like the deeper bumpers and the rear looks much more aggresive with the supersprint. I think it could do with lowering slightly though
  19. Quality mate! Glad it all worked out. I had abit of a scuffle on sat night and broke my little finger! haha it aint no cage fight though lol
  20. sinbad

    IT'S HOME!

    Wooo Hoooooooo Looking Good Nixy! Can't believe you've only just got your car and your off to France.. lol!
  21. I thought the same thing at first, but its like hidden treasure when you find a building or place you recognise. Just brings back memories of when i was a kid and we used to hnag around old bomb shelters and empty buildings.
  22. It's the sedan model. When they handed me the keys I said, and you can quote me on this, "Can you not just give me a micra???" Ha ha, This line is psssss funny! It looks wierd, you must feel embarassed driving it. I managed to get a Nissan Note on my service, i was hoping for a Navigator or similar. I quite enjoyed it to tell you the truth, better than i imagined and quite a nice drice. had the DCi engine.
  23. I never got my service book stamped. on both occasions i forgot to take my service book. I do however still have all the reciepts etc.. does that make a difference? Should i go back and get the booked stamped even though one of them was over 6 months ago?
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