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Everything posted by sinbad

  1. Nice. that colour thing is good too if your respraying your car.
  2. Can't be that much?! They are all bolt on mods. 2 hours labour if you have ramps tops! Only took me an hour to do my exhaust and i didnt have a garage lift.
  3. a set of 4 locking wheel nuts cost me £30 from nissan.
  4. the space behind the drivers seat is left for the Bose Bass speaker. I stash 5-6 cds in my visor and have a cd wallet in the back of the passenger seat
  5. Make sure you get some up as soon as you get it. Well chuffed for you mate! I'm still bagging shotgun!
  6. that 2nd one makes me wanna be sick! Theres plenty of better kits about than thet. the 1st oen looks good though. All in my humble opinion of course
  7. Stunning car mate. Pics are ace too! I now have a new background! Wollop!! http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id ... 365&size=o
  8. sinbad

    interior specs

    Ive got those mats too
  9. Bloody hell, he should be MP over here. Id vote for him. Common sense rules all!!
  10. There's quite a few of these round my way and a black Ford Lightning too. Looks nice but wouldn't want to own one. It would be damn scary flooring it in one of those.
  11. Looks stunning mate. Glad you sold your Zed too, only just found out! Good luck, im excited for you........
  12. Im with you Sarnie now, the goalposts have changed and i'd go with the one from the Lambo garage.
  13. I chose B for pretty much the same reasons +1 Agreed also.
  14. +1 I hate Norwich Union and will NEVER use them again Ever!!! even if ithey can save me £200. I had so much trouble claiming with them when my car was Broken into. I'm with A-plan and cudn't praise them more. OK they up your premium when you add something to your car but their customer service has been 2nd to none! I've had 1 claim with them and it cudn't have gone smoother, i saved a load of money when i started my policy.
  15. HA HA Noooooooooooooo!! he's a lucky man! Congrats derin100
  16. +1 I think the photoshop ones are a tad dark but still look good! Go for it mate!
  17. Just out of curiosity, how will the find out that it is actually the same person not just someone pretending to be that person, if you know what i mean? Are they allowed to access the database and get personal information to find out who people are on here or is all data secure? I guess for a start they could get hold of your I.P adress and trace you back. I'm sure their are plenty other way's.
  18. I can agree to that. i don't intend to do anything that will have me in court. BTW - i wasn't arguing. just want proof of someone actually being prosecuted for saying they hadn't done something. Got to see both sides of the story so to speak. Its all good, hope i didnt come across wrong or cause offense
  19. I am sorry but I have to support Pingu with this exact point. There is someone on PH where the CPS turned up in court with the print out of his posts! It was all about trying to undermine your credibility as a witness. Be very careful about what gets out in to the public domain! Glen Well im buggered then as every post i write is a load of shite Is that you spamming again Louis!!
  20. I am sorry but I have to support Pingu with this exact point. There is someone on PH where the CPS turned up in court with the print out of his posts! It was all about trying to undermine your credibility as a witness. Be very careful about what gets out in to the public domain! Glen I'm sure they have but i bet he actually "said" he'd done A,B and C. Or like i said above about the guy with the skyline. They would have to prove ive done something that i actually said i hadn't done? I wouldn't put it past them in the current state of the country.
  21. If that were the case, every journalist in the country would be behind bars for slander. You can't take something someone writes, in a free speaking country, and prosecute them. If you have had an accident and then post the gory details up then I can see your point. Otherwise, we can write what we like. Agreed. I was gunna PM you Pingu2 but cant be bothered. no offence. but i think your wrong on this occasion. I've heard and read of people getting done for posting up video's of themselves speeding which is pretty good proof that they have actually done it, but ive never seen anyone get prosecuted for writing about something they have'nt done. Like i said i have Not done 200mph on the M6 last sunday morning (that would be the 1st July 2007). If the CPS tried to prosecute me for that they'd get laugh out of court. I know you've heard of someone getting prosecuted but i think it is rumours. Do you actually have any evidence? I know of a guy who was prosecuted by the police for speeding and crashing his Skyline but he posted up pics, the lot and said he had done it. I could understand if they were trying to get supporting evidence for an actual offence but i don't beleive they would prosecute someone for saying they had not done something whether thats speeding or whatever.
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