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Everything posted by sinbad

  1. Anyway, if anyone wants to add me; http://www.myspace.com/chris_tsoi or facebook, search for Chris Tsoi I'm the only one in the uk, or at least i think i am.
  2. Haha thats soo funny.
  3. Ha Ha!! i love what you just put!! Drifters in 94'
  4. Bloody hell you poser.. Check that photo out!! haha Found you on myspace too! I still don't know what facebook is all about?
  5. Bargain, if only you had them up sooner even though im selling my zed i woudl have still had these. I feel like crying! Bargain...
  6. Ive recently converted to facebook. I had about 3 friends requests before i had even joined up. Just thought why not? PM me your address and i'll add you.
  7. Welcome buddy, hope you enjoy the forum. Check out the meets section as their's quite a few events organised that are coming up shortly with one of them being a "drive-out" which i would highly recommend!
  8. It's just I'm sure we were right together and she has left for the wrong reason. I'm sure it can be sorted out. I just need her to know my feelings are genuine, in case there was any doubt in her mind. It was complicated with the kids and the distance etc but nothing that couldn't have been sorted out, I'm just not totally sure she knew I meant everything I said, if you know what I mean. I'm just making my position totally clear before it's too late and she slips away forever. You just never know ! I can understand why you did it Dan, don't worry. You obviously did what you have thought was best. If it doesn't work out at least you tried and with the whole of your heart. Just ask yourself. Where you a careing? Sincere? Did you give the relationship your all, doing what you thought best? Was you honest? Thoughtfull? Sharing? Did you stick to your strong morals and did you do whats best over the time you spent with her? If all the answers are yes, then why did she leave? What more could you have done? If she struggled to tell you about seeing her ex because she knew you'd be hurt, don't you think she knows how you feel for her? Would you leave someone you loved with all your heart? I know you want to tell her how much you love her and what you'll do to get her back, (and fair do's if you do) but its not the way to win her back. She'll ONLY adore and love you for a friend that way. If it doesn't work out after your emails, i would listen to some of the advice Zedrush has given and try to move on. Being in her poket as Jay say's is not the way forward, it will just demoralize you and you DESERVE BETTER!! You tried your best and she's lost that now. I guess its hard for you right now but it is HER LOSS. You seem to have a whole lot of love to give and it deserves to be given to someone who will respect and care for you back. See what happens with the emails, and take it from their. But i wouldn't get your hopes up mate, i'm sure if she cared for you she would have thought long and hard about leaving you and wouldn't have got with her ex so soon.
  9. Jay have you seen the size of him in the pic?!! He wasn't born that size, im sure he goes the gym and does some powerlifting already. Dan - just get your arms out, they'll come flocking!!
  10. Why don't you use your spare time to give your lad/kids more attention. It'll help take your mind off stuff and give your kids an extra wide smile that your spending more time with them. You can take them to some car events and kill two birds with one stone so to speak. I'm not sure how old they are but kids are great at listening, they never judge you.
  11. My mates kid went with us, think he's 6 or 7. He has a short attention span even for his age but he loved it and sat in silence through the whole 180 minutes of it. Said it was the best film he'd ever seen! lol
  12. I'd never have thought Sinbad would be such a sensitive soul their's more to me than meet's the eye!! And yes, i'll have the job! How much do i get paid? do i get my own topic like Louie and Sarnie?? lol anyway, i know you'll make your own mind up Dan but whichever you choose your going to find it hard. You'll know whats best for you. I just hope it all works out.
  13. He did some of the comedy kids programs when he was younger.
  14. I agree with what the others have said too. Its hard, very hard, but you do need to move on. Having friends and family close by helps, and going on the lash will probably help in the short run too. My moto was "I'll never love somebody like i love her, but i will love somebody just as much but in a different way" Here's a beer from me anyway...
  15. Ive been in a similar boat with my ex and not met anyone since (4yr ago) and my best friend who was with his girlfriend for 11 years and engaged is going through the same thing at the moment (split up 2 week ago). quick asnwer is to cut all contact. I know how painfull it is to love someone and yet not be able to be with them. At times i cried myself to sleep (A wuss, yeah i am). It doesn't get easier as time goes on but you do eventually deal with it in a better way. Keeping in touch will just prolong the pain. You'll spend alot of time hoping she's going to ring or text and tell you that she's changed her mind, but it will probably never happen. I'm sure she's thought long and hard about what she was going to do and her actions speak volumes. If you love her, you'll want her to be happy no matter what. whether thats with you or not. She knows how much you care for her which is why she couldn't bring herself to tell you and the reason she wants to stay friends. But in my experience friendship doesn't really work, especially when your love is not recipricated. Certainly not on the level of texting and calling each other daily. What will her ex think of her doing this? I know it'll be really tough but you have to put your mind and thoughts on other things and not torture yourself by talking to her. From experience, i personally would stop speaking or seeing her. It will be hard at first but it will help with time. I'm here for you if you need to chat and im sure others on here are too. I know ive been pretty frank, but i really do feel for you and hope things work themselves out.
  16. was good to know that it aint just us having flash floods. lol
  17. went and watched this last night. WHAT A FILM! I was buzzing all way through it. It certainly lived up to my expectations. The Animation was brilliant, the slow motion scenes and sounds of their weapons are really really good. Optimus prime said his famous "One Shall Stand....... One Shall FALL.............." If you where a transformers fan, go and watch it. One of the best Cartoon to cinema films!
  18. Ive never heard of sammy miller but... Amazing!! him, the car, and what he did. That thing fly's. How did the tyres cope? I would have thoughta more aerodynamic shell would have been better. Why has this record not been broken? Rules, regs? How did he actually die? R.I.P.
  19. Just saw this during the f1. Absolutely brilliant advert. i was laughing my head off watching it. oh and one of the best races this season too!
  20. Ross you are a Genious, these things are amazing, the quality and colours/graphics your using are top notch. and from my experience your knocking them up in no time. Im not sure if its an idea but why don't you charge for these. Even if its a £1 and it goes towards the club or something. I'd be happy to donate for mine. Anyway, your sigs are brilliant. Cnt wait to see more.
  21. Looks good mate, the power and torque curves are near perfect. Looks like a factory setup but with more power Very very nice. Good luck for the rest of the mods.
  22. looking good mate. Keep up the good work. Bet you cant wait to plant your right foot!
  23. Interesting read yeah not bad, maybe i missed it but i'm alittle concerned that they didnt change the brake fluid on the first runs with the standard brake setup, surely that would have an effect on performance and temperatures? Still pretty impressive though.
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