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Everything posted by sinbad

  1. ring the police. its againts the law to park in front of a driveway.
  2. Mmm quite like them and even a double helping of nuts!! lol Don't be put off with the white, whoever gets them could always powder coat them.
  3. sinbad


    OMG what the hell!!!! 1 of 3 ???/ who in the right mind would buy one of these? The other two must have been pushed off a cliff by their owners.
  4. Mine isn't really good enough for a stand space and it could possibly be sold by then! but i'll definately be going to the event, with or without my car
  5. They look brilliant, really wierd colour, never seen that before. Im guessing thats the titanium. I put these on my car in Forza 2 last night!! haha.
  6. ive spotted this on the M56 a few times yup def
  7. Although Forza 2 is good,very good, damage aside it isn't ultimately as realistic as GT. ATM i would say the 360 is the better console, but give it a year and i think with the power of the ps3 and available games, it will be the one that comes out on top. The 360 does have alot of bugs though, which is a slight issue for me. The one that im using oftens freezes up and ive heard many of them having the dreaded circle of death. Sure they are now covered by warranty but the whole point of a console is so that u can play games. You wouldn't be able too if its always being fixed. My mates 360 has been for repair twice, both times they had it around a month. Lucky for me i can play both Louis, borrow your sisters PS2, buy the camera and wait untill GT5 comes out before you buy a ps3. until then get button bashing and try and beat the Ring time!!
  8. haha, that shemale gives me a stiched from laughing!!
  9. You all sound like Entrepreneurs, i studied electronics for 4 years and ended up working in Facilities management doing a 9-5:30 type office job! Any jobs going??
  10. i love the ps3 but id get the camera. wait until the New GT comes out and hopefully the ps3 priced would have dropped too, by then you'll have had chance to save up for it too.
  11. Just called my insurance company, they've told me to go to National windscreen. I have an excess of £60. Can i get charged more than £60 for the screen?? Ive rang National windscreens and told them it was a tinted screen? The circular crack has spread to a 6 in crack line!!! Just waiting for them to ring me back now...... Andy - I'll see what happens. If its likely to cost me more or i have any problems i'll give Bolton Safety Glass a call. Thanks mate Thanks everyone too!! will see how things go and report back on here.. Never ever in 7 years have i had a cracked windscreen.
  12. i'm gutted. i'll have to ring in the morning as they'll be closed now. think i'll scan through my docs too.
  13. On my way home the biggest stone you've ever seen bounced up off the motorway hitting the lower part of my windscreen. Its left a 50p size round crack in it Gutted!!! What should i do? Am i o.k. to drive it for the time being? Its not going to shatter on me if i drive with the crack in the windscreen? Do i ring my insurance company first? will they tell me to go to a prefered windscreen company or do i go to my own? Damn!!
  14. I used sticky pads. Looks smart. You in any rush to get them? when do you go the ring?
  15. Ooo i just found the photo i took when i did it with an S2000. With the S2000 i did a 8'00.637. If my memory serves me right i did manage to beat this time by a few seconds but sadly didnt get a pic Im sure the Zed could knock a few seconds off that with it having more power on the straights. Its gunna be tough but i'll try and get my ps3 back this weekend and have a bash. Its all about hooking up each of the sectors and being as smooth as possible. Your time certainly deserves some respect.
  16. Im on all three although i only use bebo to chat to my nephews now.
  17. That sounds right to me from what i remember. Im so tempted to get one now, may get one today, or do i wait and get the camera first! Grr too much that i want. Yeah on Forza the stop start is on the straight where clarkson timed his lap in the jag.
  18. I use Tesco 99 mainly but sometimes use BP Ultimate and sometimes but least often V-power. Their is only slight difference between the three. I never put anything in less than 97. When i first got the Z i did put 95 in as i was in an unfamilar place and it ran like a dog. Ive done 21k miles in a year too.
  19. It'll be like kicking a concrete football. Be prepared to break th pins in your foot! haha
  20. I had a quick bash (2 laps) on Forza last night but its completely different from GT4, with regards to handling and power and even the corners seem different. I managed a 9minute lap (on my second lap), the start/finish line is on the long straight but on GT4 its on the twisty bit after the straight. Im sure i can beat your time, although if memory serves me right your time is pretty respectable. I used to always do it in an s2000 and even took a screen shot of my best lap but i cant find it now It used to take me around 10 laps to beat my previous best time so i was pushing very hard and having near "perfect" sectors on all my laps.
  21. when i get my ps3 back, (i lent it to someone) i'll have a bash, i'm sure i can beat that!
  22. Zedrush - that link you gave goes to a marketing company???
  23. lol!! Well Dan, i hope it all works out for you. I know like you said it must have been painfull to hear her say she won't be coming back but at least you know in your mind where u stand if anything so that must be a relief. I also know it must be hard to lose a friend like that but if you are good friends, you'll still be friends in a month or so two won't you. So if you can i'd give it alittle time before you speak to her again, like you say you can't just get rid of feelings over night so give yourself alittle space to get over it and concentrate your mind on other things. In my opinion staying friends so soon after a break up just doesn't really work. It will only work when both have moved on with their lives. Hanging up on you like she did just shows that she wants you to get the hint to give her space too. She may want to stay friends but not in the way of texting and calling each other every day. How will she look to her ex if's she's talking to the guy everyday or so, who she split with to be with him? How can she concentrate on her current relationship if your calling her regularly? Anyway i'm glad your sorting this out so soon and not chasing her. Its going to take a long time to get over her but at least you've somehow started to think alittle better. Just give YOURSELF time, you deserve it, and see how you get on. From what i know of you on here you seem a decent bloke, who's down to earth, takes care of himself and owns his own business! Thats pretty respectable by anyones standards and it will only be a matter of time before someone else comes along. Why don't we all join Jay's classes, we could go up their and kick her ex's head in. It won't help but at least i'll feel better!! lol :teeth:
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