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Everything posted by sinbad

  1. Voila, I'm in. lets cause some HAVOC!!! lol
  2. I'm really upset its finally going... Part of the ownership experience is being a part of here, and i hope you guys let me stay on. Ive sold it far cheaper than i expected but i wanted to get it sorted as it was doing my head in. I've got another car lined up. Ive made an offer and just waiting to hear back off him. I kinda didn't want to spend that much on another car but i've decided to lay off on a motorbike whilst its coming winter and get one next summer. I'm still planning on doing my bike test though. Part of the money for the car has settled most of my loan so i could get a mortgage anytime which is good. I'll just keep my eye out until i find something i like but im in no rush. Sarnie I'll definately be contacting you when i find something and Tims on my list of contacts for a bike too. Thanks for the notes guys, like sl144 its time to move on i think. I'm hoping i can shotgun in someones Zed for the next Wales run if anyone has an empty seat
  3. If theirs not much difference in price get the spills one. Theirs plenty more people on here who have them. I got the one from groundingkit cheap thats why i went with them.
  4. just so you know, i got my grounding kit from these and it did the trick. The gold battery didn't fit my battery but that was my fault as i had a non Nissan battery on my car. I can't really compare between the two as ive not seen the spills kit but the cables seem good quality, instructions wern't the best but theirs a guide online somewhere that you can use anyway.
  5. If he insists on a bankers draft ask him for the serial number and the branch where he withdrew it. Call the bank, explain the situation and ask for confirmation that the serial number you have been given is legit. I will definately be doing this! It would be so easy for them to send me a photocopy of a legit cheque then change the details and hand me a fake one when he collects the car. I think the best thing is to wait until i have the cheque in my hand and then ask where+when he got the cheque and then ring the bank to clarify the details. The company is http://www.norwichsportsandclassics.co.uk It does all seem legit, but i just want to be safe.
  6. ok spoke to my bank, they said a bankers draft is more secure than a BACS transfer. I can get validation from the bank that the cheque is legitimate and i can ask for an express service so the cheque clears quicker for £12 - £20. Its alittle more complicated if the cheque is from a different bank that mine but still checks can be made. Also a Bankers draft cannot be recalled after it is in my posession. It can only be recalled with my permission or if the draft is not legitimate. I would have to ring the bank where the cheque was supplied (barclays, Halifax etc..) to have the Cheque verified.
  7. he's travelling 4+ hours to come and collect the car and doesn't want to carry the cash with him. If he was to get a bankers draft from my home town would he need to let the bank know prior to widthdrawing it as you do with cash because its such a large amount? I'm speaking with him soon, so i'll discuss the options with him. Should i post up the company name to see if people have heard of them? or would that be wrong?
  8. Which documents? Would that be reasonable?
  9. Well, ive sold my car to a dealer. Ive agreed to accept a Bankers draft, what checks can i make to be sure its legit? Ive been on "companies house" web check to check the company and i'm planning on letting the bank check the draft over too, to ensure its good. Anything else i can do? Should i post up the company name to see if people have heard of them? From what i can understand from the Companies house website is that they started trading in 2002. Thanks all!
  10. sinbad

    The Gallardo

    Not on a Gallardo mate... normal doors Which in my opinion is a massive plus point. The car attracts soooo much attention, the doors going up would make it even worse. Given the choice, i'd have normal doors everytime.... Your in a Bright orange Lambo and you don't want anymore attention?? Come on Liam that aint you! lol
  11. sinbad

    The Gallardo

    looks ok i suppose..... Ha and the rest Damn Liam, why can't you drive a Zed like the rest of us!
  12. sinbad

    Track day cars

    have you tried "motorsports" under the classified section on pistonheads? I'm sure theirs a magazine called "road and track" or "road and race" that has a classified section too. i'll see if i can find it edit: Track & Race Cars Magazine but theydon't seem to have it online sorry... 1 or 2 here: http://www.motorsportads.co.uk/track-day-cars.htm and here: http://www.fastroadandtrack.co.uk/frat/ ... hp?catid=1
  13. I'm looking at a few cars that i'm thinking of buying when i sell the Zed. Mainly Elise's and VX220's but their's so many models/specs can anyone point me in the direction of a website that has car performance figures on. Just like a spreadsheet with 0-60, top speed, power/weight etc.. I found one last night but cant find it today?
  14. If one's made, i'd join up. I suppose most off topic banter will be done on facebook?
  15. sinbad

    New Jag!

    That just shouts MID-LIFE crisis!! haha
  16. sinbad

    New Jag!

    Your right it does look like a new GS. Is that necessarily a bad thing though? Still its not bad for Jaguar, they need something to go along side the XK model instead of the old school S-type, X-type stuff.
  17. Thats not a bad price either. Check out the clubs traders too, im sure they can supply some brands of air filters, and at discount too.
  18. I'll paint it Delux white for you for £20. I'll cover the engine bay, tailgate, windows, the lot for that too.All because im such a nice guy! haha I think you'll be looking at least £1k. But then again im guessing.
  19. Save and get something half decent! the JWT popcharger is only slightly more expensive and a popular and well tested product.
  20. I totally agree with you, i was brought up the exact same way, maybe you are really my Mum? I was taught the value of everything and as soon as i was 16, i went out and got a job as i wanted to buy things that may parents wouldnt buy me as, well, why should they, they only need to buy me the essentials and any extras i got myself. To this day, i dont like people paying for me, so i go out, work hard and earn my own living. This is how im going to bring Becca up and she is so good when we are out. When we go shopping she asks for toys, sweets, clothes etc...however i only buy her one thing now and then, when i tell her that she is not getting anymore, she hugs me and says ok Daddy, thankyou for (whatever it is i got her). SHe will not have a tantrum in the shops, she will not shout and scream and try to get her way. If she does i would deal with it accordingly. God i sound like my Dad! Good on you two! Sadly it seems in todays society your the minority! I dont have kids but i do have 10 nephew and nieces and all of them are well behaved. None would ever dream of getting in trouble with the police. All the ones that are old enough to work are working and pay their own way.
  21. i thought police had to be in uniform to pull you for a traffic offence? Otherwise anyone could pull you over, similar to non permanent (roadworks) traffic lights where you don't have to stop. edit: Sorry i didnt realise you meant the car. I guess they would have to pull you over to slap you with a fine or whatever.
  22. To be truthfull jay i'd get someone else to do it unless your a dab hand at spraying. You could wreck your car with a spray gun!
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