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Everything posted by sinbad

  1. At the end of the day, if you don't know who the driver is then they cant force you to give a random name! You will have to go to court and provide as much evidence as you can stating why at that time you didn't know who was driving. The receipt could help too in your case. Sounds like they got you by the go-nads, but If you can prove to the court that you genuingly didnt know who was driving then you could get away scotch free.
  2. No i wouldn't but he's still got another year on his contract. Don't get me wrong i think Dennis will try to push him out of the team and try to make Alonso go on his own accord but i cant see him cancelling his contract as he would have done it by now. As far as the team is concerned the championship is over, Ron just wants to see Hamilton make history so if their was ever a good time to get rid of him it was straight after the hearing. As he's not done it yet, i cant see him doing it at the end of the season. Ron would love it to see the whinging cry baby beat fair and square by his own protege' I could be wrong though...
  3. I'm with A-plan but ive heard www.SkyInsurance.co.uk are good too. I'm sure if you shop around you'll be able to get a decent quote. Like i said, mine went down when i swapped.
  4. Haha! Cheers mate, I've only had the car less than a month and ive spent a small fortune on it. Kpro is definately next but ill have to save abit before i jump into that. Nearly £1k mapped isn't it? Funny, my insurance went down alittle when i swapped it over from the Zed? I remember you mentioning you where a Honda fan and you'd had a *bump* in the dc2. lol You should get one mate, Its a world away from the Zed but still loads of fun. it feels much quicker than the EP3 and FN2 models. And would out handle either too. Fuel wise i'd say its very similar to the 350z, but from what ive heard the Kpro can give better fuel consumption too. Are you still going to the Pistonhead meets? Hope to see you around anyway!
  5. Yeah, the socks/covers are meant to have benefits but their more cosmetic than anything. Added a few other parts to the list i'd forgotten about too.
  6. to be truthfull as much as Ron doesn't like the guy personally you cant take away the fact that he probably has two of the top 3 drivers in f1. And if it came to it, he would let Alonso drive in a Mclaren next year. I think Alonso knows he's in one fo the best cars/teams at the minute but hates the fact that he's being beaten by his team mate. So although i think he would like to stay and be in with a chance of getting the 2008 championship i dont think he will. He'll go to Renault before toyota purely on the fact that they have a bigger potential to get on the podium and he knows how they work. But yeah Toyota is definately a possible route.
  7. yeah still getting a bike, i'm waiting for my mate to sort his finances out so we can go in for it together. I may leave it until the summer now though as its getting cold and wet haha. Tim - thats partly the reason i got it. Its quick, slightly hardcore but i can use it everyday. Has a big boot (although i hardly need it) but with it having rear seats i can ejoy it with a few friends now. thinking of going to Nurburg in it next year. Thanks for all your comments.
  8. Yeah Andy, but its abit messy at the minute.... I'll try and get some at the weekend when i give it a clean. I went with the championship white because its the proper Type-R racing colour haha. I did want the red seats but this one came up with black interior pretty cheap and i just had to get it. The Recaro's hold you in super tight and all at the right places. Theirs still a few bits and bobs i want to sort, like the screw missing in the Gruppe M scoop lol, but i only fitted it yesterday in my lunch hour. I just have'nt had the time yet. I can't stop spending on it!! I seriously need to enjoy what ive got before i get anything else. Like i say, its not to everyones taste but ive wanted one for ages. Surprisingly it gets alot more attention than the Zed did. I guess it appeals to a different croud...
  9. I thought it was about time i posted up some pics of my replacement car after freeing up some money i had in the Zed. I did initially look at VX220's/ elise's as i still wanted something hardcore and i knew i wouldn't last having something boring. Anyway after test driving a few i decided they wern't for me. Anyway i ended up buying one of these... Most stuff ive added myself in the last 3 week but heres whats on it: C-Pack DC Sports Race Header - replaces cat too. Apexi N1 cat back system Apexi RSM meter (de-limits JDM top speed) Spoon Socks Gruppe M carbon intake Ingalls Engine Damper Touch screen DVD player Titanium gearknob ES engine mounts to be fitted shortly Mugen Replica Carbon spoiler Buddyclub shortshifter I know it won't be to everyones taste but ive wanted one for a while and i didnt want to miss the opportunity to get one. I just needed to get it out of my system i guess. Hope you like. Handles like its on rails and Probably just as quick if not quicker than the zed A to B. Does'nt sounds as good as my Zed when it had the Kakimoto but still sounds great. Just needs a re-map and fast road setup to finish it off it think.
  10. Ron spoke to Max Mosely after his bust up with Alonso and told him what Alonso had said. Alonso didnt tell the FIA until he was asked about it in the investigation following the conversation ron and max had. By this time the spanish imbecile couldn't be punished by the FIA for what he reveiled! I hope Alonso moves on personally, but if anything its been an interesting season, and probably one of the best to watch in recent times.
  11. That is usually a sign of the tracking being out. Is it just under braking, at speed or both?
  12. Ha Ha, your an idiot Sarnie..(in a good way) i think they should let you go, that way i can go too! lol
  13. Well said. Lewis is 22 BTW. Maybe Ron wants Alonso to bail out. That way he would probably have to buy his way out of the contract which would cost Alonso big time, e.g. hey presto, Ron has recouped some of the $100M. Hmm good point, bring in Jenson to replace the winey Spaniard What a team that would be. Nice thought. I'm a big Jenson fan. He's clearly been ill advised in the past which has always seem to mean he's been in the wrong team and the wrong time. I'm not sure he'd match Lewis's pace though. Yeah i agree, but he seems mentally pretty tough and i'm sure he made his own decisions. It would be great to see them both in a McLaren though, i agree i don't think he could match lewi's pace but it would be nice to see what he can do in a decent car. He's been better than Barrichello all season for me and Rubens wasn't that slow in a ferrari.
  14. Have a good one mate! Wish i could get away from this hell hole too! lol
  15. Hamilton definately showed his class yesterday. Stunning drive! Alonso must be gutted. I felt sorry for Vettel too, he was like a broken man when he got out the car, could have been his best ever race. Lewis seems to be dishing abit more out towards Alonso in his interviews now... anyone else noticed this?
  16. sinbad

    Sad day :O(

    Hi Mick, I hope you stick around. Myself and a few others have moved to other cars and still troll the site. Good luck with the type-r. Me and my friend both have type-r's, their not 350z's but still great cars and trouble free. I'll try and get some pics on here soon.
  17. sinbad

    Freelander 2

    My dad has a TD4 and the only problem he's had is the clutch went on it @ around 30k. cost him about £500 to have done. But i guess it could have gone on any car. TD4 is meant to be the best engine from what i read.
  18. sinbad

    350z Alloys

    Ha, i would'nt be surprised if they were my old wheels. The last time i looked they replaced my 18" wheels with 17" ones on their advert! Should have Falken 452's on and the rears although not as much as the fronts still have a fair bit of tread on, i wouldn't say near legal limit anyway. Orrr maybe their not my old ones lol
  19. Interesting, i do think Ferrari should be held responsible somewhat for their employee too though. And also the inconsistancy with regards to the Toyota incident seems unusual to say the least.
  20. Free postage were i work Want me to send you some SAE's? Ive still not got your DVD, so i dont trust you anymore........
  21. Probably, although I've created a bit of a split opinion on that on HSV forum No holes under any badges, so easy Although I may just take the Vauxhall one off If your keping the badges then put the Monaro on the left hand side and keep the VXR on the right. i'd personally just keep the VXR. Looks nice anyway mate!!
  22. Good luck mate, i hope everything goes well!
  23. Hya mate, just emailed ya was gonna call ya and pretend to be an annoying customer again mate lol, need to catch up on gossip wiv ya Sarnie got your tickets you want me to post em, got sinbad two as well rmmackfc you lucky git get some pics up mate and have a blinder in Portugal Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!! Cheers Jay i owe you big time.
  24. Saw this on another forum and found it funny: The European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the European Union rather than German, which was the other possibility. As part of the negotiations, the British Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5- year phase-in plan that would become known as "Euro-English". In the first year, "s" will replace the soft "c". Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy. The hard "c" will be dropped in favour of "k". This should klear up konfusion, and keyboards kan have one less letter. There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesome "ph" will be replaced with "f". This will make words like fotograf 20% shorter. In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible. Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling. Also, al wil agre that the horibl mes of the silent "e" in the languag is disgrasful and it should go away. By the 4th yer people wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th" with "z" and "w" with "v". During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaining "ou" and after ziz fifz yer, ve vil hav a reil sensi bl riten styl. Zer vil be no mor trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi TU understand ech oza. Ze drem of a united urop vil finali kum tru. Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking German like zey vunted in ze forst plas.
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