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Everything posted by sinbad

  1. Added! Not got Pro Evo yet, i was always a fifa man too. i play on PES quite abit though, the through ball is sooooooo much better!!
  2. Have to blag a run with u sometime fella Anytime! I'd be more than happy to taek you for a spin, just give us a shout. It just cant compete with the rumble of the Zed though
  3. Gunmetal and carbon, is like a duck to water.
  4. I thought they already altered the severity of the punishment depending on the speed you where doing etc.. "We all know that exceeding the speed limit isn't automatically dangerous." ....so why have speed camera's that flash you at 32mph!!!!
  5. Hi mate, Glad its all sorted for you. I bet its a total relief to finally getting rid, selling is a Pain in the Arse!! Now the best bit starts...the buying Get pics up asap! On the new car - The offer still stands if you want a look at one first.
  6. sinbad

    Toyo PX 4

    I could hear you for much longer Just read this: "Had my PX4's on the front now for a month and T1s ont he back Very impressed so far, same TOP grip as T1r's BUT with a firmer tirewall, better for handling, what Toyo have done is make a hybrid of T1r and the r888's and its worked superb!! I love them, Proxies 4's all the time for me now, they ARE the next step up from T1rs, basically T1rs with better dry weather grip and firmer sidewalls.... Well done Toyo" So that settles it, im going for them!
  7. sinbad

    Toyo PX 4

    which ones? I found the T1-s wernt that good. They gave ok grip, but the sidewalls were too soft and the edge of the tyre wore extremely quick. however the grip was very progressive and easy to handle. The T1-r's where much better and for the price they were great which is why im quite interested in the 4's. If there anything like the T1-R's i could be pursuaded. Camskill do them for the teg fitment for only £64.. The goodyear GSD3's are £68 T1-Rs £74 and RE050A £84 If i go with the bridgestones then id keep them as they are meant to be the best all round tyre for the teg, but if i got the GSD3's or Toto 4's then id get some summer tyres next err.. summer. Maybe some 888's or Advans 048's.
  8. sinbad

    Toyo PX 4

    I'm tempted to get some Toyo Proxes 4. Does anyone know if these are meant to be higher up the pecking order than the T1-R and have better performance?
  9. In fact looking at the website it says the noise limit is 101Db?? http://www.easytrack.co.uk/events/allevents.asp
  10. Didnt Ron mention this before he had his court hearing? I thought he provided the information to the FIA, not in a malicious way but stating something along the lines of "if were in breach, surely reanault are too, they have some of our details?" ??
  11. I think i'd fail that too. although i doubt i'd be anywhere near as loud as Sarnie. I was tempted by that too.
  12. Well done Whore. I'm surprised you've not been banned either 17 posts a day, not counting the times you've been on holiday or had trouble with your internet etcc. Can't believe you've thanked the mods........ Sarnie are you going soft?!
  13. Cool, give me a shout if you need a hand! Not got a zed anymore but got myself a DC5. Hopefully you'll still let me in
  14. Well done buddy, i did it back in July. just waiting for the sun to come back out in spring. It was wierd for me too, the hazard perception just isnt right. i would say i have a good hazard awareness on the roads but i did pants on the test, the hazards are plain to see but trying to click when they want u too is just a pain. Anyway If you've not done your CBT yet, then go and do it. its great fun.
  15. i think he was stating that you cant increase performance when ur actually stationary becuase your not moving... But when you do decide to move then the air going into the plenum must be warmer as the airbox will be acting like a radiator? like i said before, i think it will make marginal differences when the ecu adjusts but it won't harm doing what you've done. Looks good
  16. Are you sure? Mine always felt better on colder nights...
  17. The LP640 is mighty fast on the straights. Why did they use a convertable Gallardo?? Why not the hard top? The impreza and exige just didnt have the power on the straights but they put in a good showing! I'd have thought the GT3 would have passed the Turbo.. just didnt seem to have the grunt on the straights. Wonder how the new Skyline would do up against them.....
  18. I was undecided on these too. Whenever i go to meets some look good and others don't. I do like the one Zedrush has posted above though.
  19. Is it? looks nowt like what it does now
  20. Someones commited a crime!? hell no its not a step too far, ring the police if the garage dont help.
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