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Everything posted by sinbad

  1. Most Cossies with this kind of boost level smoke a bit, but I was a little too high on the oil level and some was blowing back through the breather system which made things worse. I've learned to run the car towards the bottom of the dip stick now. Also, this was towards the end of the day too so oil was getting a bit hot and thin... What setup have you got Kev, wouldnt running low on oil be a problem during hard cornering? My Teg smokes abit now too, since its been slightly tuned anyway. Been told its overfuelling and meant to do that .
  2. pc is damn slow today, im upto 1:32... Ive never driven donnington before but am i right in thinking the escort isnt taking the best lines? Im not saying there wrong especially with the traffic but could they be better?
  3. "pistonheads" works too i think.
  4. Erm not really. Maybe a Gruppe-M intake but thats it, I don't really want to take it away from standard spec...... I am on the look out for a set of silver callisto's so I can change them for the Titanium ones now and then....... Nice, i guess its quick enough. The Gruppe M should give you a better engine note i guess.
  5. Sounds like a laugh! In fact they do some low level stuff in the UK to prep for air-shows and the like. They also do low fly-by's during warfare demonstrations with battleships etc .. its impressive stuff.
  6. Sounds ace that Sarnie! Got any other performance mods on the shopping list?
  7. What does that say for the rest of them then? British pilots are regarded as some of the best in the world.
  8. it was in the paper not long after it was posted on youtube and an investigation was taken by the RAF. luckily they got away with it as it was for charity..
  9. Lewis Hamilton must be giving him driving lessons then, because he's still 17!
  10. Do you know what colour it was? Give me a break i was half asleep when i wrote that...
  11. There was a black murchi Gt in black, i think it used to race in the GT series but im not sure.
  12. http://www.avp-r.com/EN/game/
  13. well i havnt really planned but i suppose not more than 7-8k if im gna get finance and insurance up to 1500 maybe thats y the mini is good its only 1100 to insure I'd spend £5K on a slightly older car but get something really interesting to drive. Then spend some more budget on the insurance. http://search.autotrader.co.uk/es-uk/ww ... x_mileage= You trying to kill the lad?
  14. Nice , looks better an a Azure for some reason.
  15. sinbad


    The GTR timed 01:01:9 driven by Keyichi Tsuchiya at Tsukuba, The Gallardo Supperleggera did it in 01:02:5. Not sure on power but the GTR is 1740 kg and The Super Leggera is 1330 kg. Now thats pretty darn quick. The Sumo Time attck car did it in around 1:02.
  16. Yeah but at 17, i wouldnt be seen dead in it! haha. If thats the case, get the fiat 500
  17. One of my sisters has the 2models old shape, a 80s if i remember right (notchy gearbox and dodgy steering) and my other sister has the old shape with the abarth kit on. My friend has the newer one in black and its much nicer than my either of my sisters cars. I wouldnt say they where rubbish but i just wouldnt have one. I think theres better cars out there. Draw up a list of potential cars and go test drive a few and see which you like best. Just remember with the way cars are going now even rep mobiles are pretty quick so power isnt everything. Get something thats well built, wont cost you a fortune and handles well. Build your no claims up and get something decent a few years down the line.
  18. I used to have a cinquecento sportingand although it only had a 1.1 it peed all over alot of bigger cars, it weighed next to nothing, cost zero to insure and fuel and was one of the most fun cars ive ever owned. Both my sisters have puntos and i dont like them to be honest. Ive drove a saxo and i thought it was alittle cramped to be honest and the steering feel was lacking. I used to own a C2 VTR as well, build was ok but it handled really well for such a small car. Id recommend a manual though, the sensodrive is just rubiish to put it lightly. Mini's handle well and look good but i found the interior easy to scratch and the gearing too long. It i was in the market for a small car id think about a suziki swift sport or a new shape Fiesta Zetec S/ST. Both have decent power and handle well. Or maybe a ibiza tdi group 5 insurance and easily tunable with loads of torque. I think the new clios are half decent for a run around too. Wouldnt touch a corsa if your even contemplating oe of them
  19. I tried Firefox as well and i still struggled getting on certain websites. It does seem slightly more stable but the amount of plug-ins you need to view media does my fruit in.
  20. Ive just been for a run, i was smuggling peanuts before i stepped out the door
  21. sorry but everytime i read this post i always think your oing on about GT5 for the playstation
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