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Everything posted by sinbad

  1. Very true there is an ongoing investigation which will doubtless involve known associates - how did you afford all those mods now Nah, only know them through martial arts circles, if they went down that route there'd be 1000 of associates. Doubt it will happen but it wouldnt surprise me if they contacted them especially with the money involved.
  2. Why dont you just move the plate to the side out of the way of the bumper intake, like a alfa 156 or evo?
  3. Its funny... wantaITR over on the DC2 forum has started the exact same website
  4. nice 30ish increase in power and 20ish in torque..
  5. We have arranged a trackday for all Z and non Z owners. If anyone wants to join. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10806&highlight=
  6. Anyone booked yet? Ive got the car booked in for a service, engine mounts to be installed, getting two new front tyres so car should be in good nick. I'll be booking wed/thursday. Whats everyone else doing? Went to Anglesey yesterday (as a passenger) and got a taster of what it will be like, i cant wait now!! Fingers crossed the weather will be good. Thinking of getting a cheap helmet and gloves. Also tested my exhaust noise and i came out at 97dB's but that was at 5.5krpm which isn't at 3/4 revs as my ecu wouldnt let me rev higher in neutral. So i would imagine mine to be borderline the 98dB range. Not that it matters on this trackday..
  7. Youve only been a member on here for 2 years!
  8. sinbad

    Z footage

    Nice! I used to have a black C2..
  9. Maybe one of these http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/342159.htm I like my cars to come with paint Cars without paint are the in thing this year. There faster too being lighter of course. Anyway i wouldnt give her to an amateur like you, you couldnt handle her with your granny shifting. Once you've decided on a colour let me know Granny shifting? Try steering, holding a camera, looking in the mirror whilst trying to accelerate down a slip road Ok i tried it and im still better than you! Wanna see the vid? Whats the plan anyway? Any more of an idea?
  10. sinbad

    Lotus Eagle

    I thought that. looks a cross bewteen a lambo and an Elise.
  11. Looks ace mate! If only id kept some of my stuff when i was a kid..
  12. Although i doubt i'll be coming this year, following Beavis, i did think the drive down the coast last time was good so maybe you should include part of that if you think the route is going to be changed.... Just a thought
  13. sinbad

    Driving song

    Ive got this on all the time at the moment.
  14. Its just that Chorley Nissan have set prices for servicing, so no matter if you have a nissan micra or a nissan nivaro all the prices are the same. check out the website.
  15. Not much of a bargain really. Its 6 yrs old, basic spec, standard wheels and chavvy looking tints. Are we in 2009 yet? 52 plate so will be 6 yrs old this year. Not if it was built/reg in feb 2003!
  16. You need to make your own Wikipedia site! Cos that would be sooo useful Well the Search function would be super wiki fast!
  17. You need to make your own Wikipedia site!
  18. Now your askin In total Sarnie technical terminolgy: The new lights will have a connector, which connects to the equivalent connector once the old lights are removed. When you try to fit the new ones, you won't be able to due to two plastic grooves that stick out on the sides of the new lights connectors. These need to be shaved off. All will become evident once you try to fit them
  19. How would it relate to Wigan? I dont know because the song is west hams song You are my sunshine is wigan song.. Ignore me..
  20. When i saw the thread i thought it was something to do with Wigan athletic Impressive but not as much as wigan
  21. Gunna be hard pressed getting 3-4 year old owners?
  22. Ive just read that Buddyclub UK are going to be having an open day on 15th March. I know they mainly do Honda's but they do run a 350Z in japan so im sure they could source parts. I know one or two people on here have had there lightweight wheels too. http://www.buddyclubuk.com/buddyclub/top_m.html I believe there will be discounts and prizes on the day also. I maybe going down depending if i still have a car.. If you dont know about Buddyclub they make some top notch parts and the UK division have the 280bhp DC5 that runs in the Time Attack series and is one of the favorites to take the 2008 title, even though its up against 600+bhp evo's, skylines and scooby's. If that doesnt interest you then i think they are situated 10mins away from Amari supercars, so if nothing else you can look at some exotica. http://www.amarisupercars.com/showroom.php
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