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Everything posted by sinbad

  1. sorry we split up last month, ive took him to court and where on our 5th and last day in court today. Looking like im getting half his lambo and half the house
  2. Yup that was me, check the "trackday" section on here Also it isnt a S-tune 350z. Its a standard Z with 1 or 2 s-tune parts added to it.
  3. woahh boy, im here!! imports are like any car, youve just got to find a good one. As long as you Inspect it thoroughly then there fine. Theres too much stigma around about imports which really dates back to the early 90's, its a shame. I only ever needed brake pads, tyres and a service on my Z. My DC5 has been needed engine mounts but these are common for all k20 engines to go, including the UK civic, so again trouble free really. The diff is meant to be harsh for the roads i read. So i guess its only any good on track. Nismo ecu isnt cheap either. I just wondered how they got a heated front screen, didnt think that was an option. Slightly overpriced for me, but if you want the bits then its worth it. They've also managed to integrate the foglight in the rear lights which is nice. Has it been lowered?? Needs a stubby though...
  4. I'll take an arm and a leg
  5. whouldnt it be good to do the video shots on teh Wales run. It would be perfect. 30+ zeds. Mike can setup up the camera mounts etc..
  6. There were a few spin offs into the gravel trap at Redgate though!! The dragon racing tuned RXZ (which was stupidly fast!) came right up my ass on pit straight as soon as the last parade lap was over, I moved over & he blasted past but went straight off into the gravel at Redgate after a 180 degree spin! Luckily I moved out of the way & he wasnt behind me comming into Redgate This was at 9.30am when the track was icy & frosty all over, & I was gona come back in that lap. all the gear and no idea sprung to mind. although he was a nice chap. He's doing time attack next year too
  7. nice what power is it pushing? does it have the dif?
  8. dont like the rear spoiler. its OTT for me. the front splitter would look better without the metal damper things. Rest of the car looks nice
  9. check the boot for water. Maybe that your rear screen needs a good clean on the inside. Welcome by the way
  10. friggin hell!! I love the ending... "he gets the fellon to turn himself in" just as he gets thrown from the car :lol: thats boomin hardcore. that would work wonders over here.
  11. haha!! Nice write up Ricky! Definately have to do another, although i'll doubt i'll have my teg then. i was abit gutted more people didnt attend so lets hope this just gets a few more to the next one.
  12. Cant tell you how good it was. Just watching some of the other cars GT3 RS's, Corvette, aston, F430, skylines, super quick RX-7 made me The teg did so well im tempted to keep it lol... Ricky has got some good pics too so hopefully he'll post them up. Will definately be doing another one and im sure Ricky will be up for it so watch this space.
  13. no no no, it was a belting day full stop! Like martin says, the day was perfect for anyone wanting to learn there car, i mean ricky just got faster and better throughout the day completely transforming his driving and learning to trust the car more and me too. the tuition was a real eye opener and what i thought where good lines through bends where wayy off. I learnt soo much from spending 30mins with an instrucot. Ricky even got Free tuition on the day too! the track was pretty much empty with loads of space and not once was i concerend about having an off, there was soo much run off space. I was never once felt pressured or bad about being slower than other cars. its only when your on track thats its all about how YOU are doing as a driver. Hooking all the corners up and trying to get that perfect lap. Ive learnt soo much today its hard to cram it all in. Definately money well spent, i should have done it sooner.
  14. Get our arse out Tim!! (that sounds wrong!!) A Cars for driving, u soft sod!
  15. well just got back safe and sound. What a fantastic day! I cant wait to go again. I really wished more Zeds turned up the weather was perfect and the track was pretty quiet with me and Ricky getting full use of the garages. Full write up now: Id been wanting to do a trackday for along time and after christmas i thought sod it im going to go for it. between new year and the begining of feb id been discussing what track, who to go with, whether my car would be in tip top condition to take it on track. etc. etc..Well it came to the crunch and i ended up booking this about 2-3 weeks ago with my mate Ricky. I thought id prepared everything prior, i had the car serviced last week which showed up that i needed a engine mount and rear droplink.. the last thing i wanted.. Feck i thought. I was hoping tdi north could book me in the week before to have the work done. After numerous phonecalls the parts where on order but i was struggling to speak to paul to get a slot in the garage. by friday i was starting to get really nervous, especially with the trackday looming on tuesday. :? finally got hold of tdi friday who said my parts where in but there fully booked up monday!!! so having a quick search i managed to source an engine mount but the drop link was going to take up till tuesday :? Sunday came and i took a deep breath and thought sod it i'll fit the mount myself, I managed to get the engine mount on and put some ES upgraded mounts on at the same time too to stop any vibration from my dc manifold. Took me around 2 hours and was a piece of cake, especially as i didnt have a clue what i was doing with limited tools. car felt sooo much better, wished id done it sooner. Anyway, monday came and i was still struggling to get hold of tdi, i thought sod this, so i drove down to tdi and spoke to paul, picking up the droplink at the same time, i then went round to my mate stew workplace (who is a legend in his own right) for a camcorder mount. While i was there he showed me round the factory and starting up the Honda S800 for me .. drool.... 8) Anyway i left him to doss about and give some orders heading home to try and fit the rear droplink. Jacked the car up and 20mins later i was all done. I couldnt believe it, talk about last minute! finally my car was ready. gave it a double check, filled up with 99 and then started sorting out all my stuff to take with me. Tools...check. Water...check. Oil... check.. helmets...check! so i text ricky and mentioned everything id got sorted. he then got back to me asking if i had my license..... errrr :roll: Damn!!! 5 mins later... check! So i went to bed later that night and hardly slept a wink, just thinking id missed something as well as being excited. Id set the alarm for 5:45 but ended up getting up at 5:30 before it went off. I grabbed some grub, started the car and headed off to donington... Getting near to donington i started to get alittle worried, the weather report said it would be cool but sunny and all i could see was FOG! what the hell!! Pulled up at donington and signed on, whilst i waited for my bro who was an extra driver and ricky in his 350z. Just watching all the Porche GT3 RS's, skylines, Astons, Corvette, ferrari's, stripped out RX7's coming in on trailers worried me abit :shock: . but i was in awe.. i just couldnt wait. My bro and ricky turned up withing half an hour and after the briefing we headed over to the pits, which where all empty so pulling up the shutters me and ricky put our cars in, sorting our stuff out and checking the cars over again. we'd been told that as there wernt a large number of cars, instead of having 20 min sessions with amateur inter and pro drivers, we'd be having a 30min session of amateurs and 30min session for pro's... BONUS!!! :!: We heard the guy shout our group to the pitlane, so being so excited i slammed my helmet on as quick as i could with my bro in the passenger seat and ricky behind. After a quick briefing about the track conditions, mainly about dunlop straight having alot of ice we set off in a convoy for a few familiarisation laps. Most of the track was super dry as most of donny gets alot of the sun due to the way its laid out, but the pitlane and dunlop straight which have buildings casting shadows on the track mad for some tricky sections. After a few laps i felt alttle more comfortable to increase our speed still going no where near the limit of the car just getting it all warmed up, the safety car came in. Straight away a tuning company's RX7 overtook ricky down the straight overcooked it into redgate and spun into the gravel trap... what a pillock. Anyway by the time i came back round the session was over anyway.. good job. Next session, i gently increased my speed learning the track and trying different lines. It was so much fun by the end i was really getting the hang of things, i was keeping up with alot of stuff apart from the stripped out RX7, trying to hang onto a 500bhp supra, and even overtaking a E46 M3, E36 M3 evo cab, golf R32, Boxster S and Clio Cup to name a few. I was even more surprised later on when i went round the pits finding that alot of the cars had upgraded brakes and toyo 888's. Now it was my brothers turn in the next session. I trust my brother 100% with my car but he hadnt driven a performance car for over a year after having his latest daughter. For some reason he had a rush of blood and did a fast outlap, even though he didnt know the car, track and not really letting the car warm up. I tried not to say anything hoping he was just trying to find the limits of the car, so we head down the straight at full pelt and suddenly the golf R32 (latest one) pulls out of the pit lane onto our line. My bro has to take the inside but goes wayy over to the inside for some reason trying to slow down for the corner whilst braking. Well i knew it wouldnt do it and as we hit redgate the back end starts to come round putting us in a 360 spin with my bro trying to apply opposite lock. We stop in the middle of the track in a cloud of smoke :shock: After a quick lecture from me, my bro gets on his way redfaced how i didnt wet my seat i dont know So we continue round for the rest of the session with me telling him what hes doing right and where i think hes going wrong, and my bro starts to really pick things up and get what we think are some really good laps in. I slowly start to let go of the jesus handle lol As the day went on the weather just got better and better and the icy sections where now fully dry and there was no need to lift off. again we put some more solid laps in, trying to hook all the corners up and relying on the brakes more as both of us wernt used to pressing the brake pedal soo hard. Not once did they let us down, always stopping shorter than you would imagine them to with no signs of overheating just a slight wiff after each session! I didnt feel any pressure from not being the fastest on track and just stuck to my own pace and would monitor it if i was near another car. The day was perfect for anyone wanting to learn there car, i mean ricky just got faster and better throughout the day completely transforming his driving and learning to trust the car more, it was great to see and me too. I managed to get some tuition at 2pm after lunch, i was sooo nervous but excited at the same time. I wanted to learn so much and here was my chance to really get something productive out of the day. I managed to jump in with a lady who races radicals and we set off just going at a steady pace makiing sure that even though we where going slow we always entered the corner in the right gear, turning in at the right times, getting the apex spot on and nailing the exit with steering and throttle, whilst taking all the correct lines, so that when i built up speed i was pretty much doing exactly the same as before just at a higher speed. The first 10mins where her just bollocking me basically as i was doing loads of stuff wrong. It was hard to cram soo much information in at once. We swapped over for a couple of laps whilst she showed me the correct lines again and things to look out for, using features on the track to get my lines right. (there where no cones on the track to show the apex etc..) So again we set off with me driving, i was picking out my lines better and slowly picking up the pace. id get one corner right and then mess up on the next. Finally on my last lap i pushed hard and got everything spot on.. i had such a grin on my face i thought ""right wait until the next lap"" but then i saw the red light and it was session over. Stopped the car in the garage and the instructor gave me a few more hints and basically praised me, saying it was great to work with someone who was so precise. She couldnt believe it was my first day, and even went as far to say i should seriously consider racing as i picked everything up really quickly. well, my head went so big i could hardly take my helmet off or speak to thank her for her tutuion. i was soo chuffed. i was more happy that id learnt something and picked it up quickly. I still have a love for driving even if my daily chore is boring these days so to be able to do it good gave me a warm feeling in my belly haha The tuition was a real eye opener and what i thought where good lines through bends where wayy off. It was all about slowing the car right down, turning in later and getting the car to turn in positively and progressively and then concentrating on getting a fast exit. I learnt soo much from spending 30mins with an instructor, id recommend anyone doing a trackday to get instruction as soon as they get there. Its money very well spent. You'll spend the rest of the day driving faster, safer, without bad habits and all the time keeping your car in as good condition as possible. Ricky even got Free tuition on the day too! the track was pretty much empty with loads of space and not once was i concerend about having an off, there was soo much run off space. The car felt soo balanced through the bends, it never feels as agile through the corners as the DC2, or as stable as the Z through the faster bends but it does feel very effective. I was never once felt pressured or bad about being slower than other cars. its only when your on track thats its all about how YOU are doing as a driver. Hooking all the corners up and trying to get that perfect lap. I did learn that its essential to check your tyre pressures (thanks again to stew) luckily i followed stews advice and bought a tyre gauge. Before i set off my pressures where set at 34psi front and 33psi back which is 1 psi over OEM settings (easier to let air out) on two ocassions after each session i checked my pressures and each time they had gone up 2-3 psi so that meant i had to let 6psi out of each tyre through the day to have the correct pressure levels when the tyres got warm... Like i said my car performed perfectly and wasnt too bad on track. I drove from home to donington and drove most of the day with just 1 full tank of fuel. Tyres and brakes holding up fine. I learnt soo much in one day its hard to cram it all in. Definately money well spent, i should have done it sooner. If anyones thinking about doing a trackday, then get it booked. Its soo much fun, safe if your sensible and just a great experience. Everyone i met where really friendly with just one idiot who i still managed to keep up with alot of the time in a FQ360 who obviously had all the gear and no idea trying to race everyone. Me with Ricky following Dunlop straight, you can see the shadow that caused some icy patches, 500bhp supra and a fezza drove by some women Craner curves You can see the RX7 behind ricky that later had 1 or 2 off's. 32GTR that spat 2 foot flames! Affter standing on the pit wall i realised that even amongst some stripped out cars mine was one of the loudest cars there at full song :shock: with the race RX7 being the loudest. well thanks for reading, if u have any questions then fire away. i think ive made most peoples eyes bleed by this point so my apologies. Hope you enjoyed the write up. Once i get some of the video footage i'll post it up also.
  16. Martin text me if you still have my number. i lost yours when my fone disapeared in brummie land. I just found out my Tracking settings are wayyy out , anyone know where i can get it done near donny?
  17. only just managed to get done. I did my engine mounts yesterday which was a piece of well you get me and i did the rear droplink and tracking done today, although i think the tracking settings are wrong. weather is looking better and better by the minute. cant wait.
  18. there pretty heavy duty by the look of them, cant see them snapping!
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