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Everything posted by sinbad

  1. sinbad


    Need i ask more? Thanks mate.
  2. Why you selling the gear knob? Keep an eye out for Ruby slippers!! lol I may bid on the reflectors.
  3. sinbad


    After seeing Val's sidelights at the North West Run back in October i've finally gone and bought some replacement sidelight bulbs from Funkystyling (who were great may i add). How the hell do i fit them??? Do i need to take the headlight out? I kinda didn't even think about it when i ordered them...Doh!
  4. as above really, ebay is good, although some of the forum traders can do some decent discounts! Good luck anyway, let us know how you get on.
  5. To be honest i just went with the one which i thought had the best design, which for me was the K&N. I didn't expect any power gains but certainly didnt want to lose any either. I particulary liked the carbon lid. Just go with whichever as long as its a good brand. JWT, pipercross, K&N etc..
  6. Lomoto - knowing you've fitted the Kinetix, is it a worth while mod? Did it change the sound or increase performance much? Sorry if you've already gone over this. I don't know whether i should add a plenum or decats next? Jobo - you have PM
  7. I echo what Lomoto says realy, no regrets! The sound is worth it alone and i haven't felt any power loss even in traffic. I've installed filters on 5 previous cars and i inderstand what you mean by the slow moving traffic effect but i have not had any on the 350z.
  8. I know its abit late but welcome! :bye: If you aint already bought one, the most difficult thing i had to get used to was getting in and out the bugger plus the small/awkward boot space. But there only small things i can live with.
  9. Is your car on standard suspension? Car doesn't half squat down when your getting in the car!
  10. That widebody NSX is bloomin awesome!! If i ever become a millionaire anytime soon, i'll be having myself a NSX-R.
  11. I don't think they look too bad Liam. How do they fit on? I may get some of these, although i'd like to see them in the flesh.
  12. I've noticed a slight juddering when i initaly press the accelerator, whether its from a standing start or at speed, the worst was when i was on a slip road in 3rd and i eased off at about 4k rpm and the whole car felt like it was juddering. I immediately changed into 4th and it stopped. Could this be my clutch on its way out? I've been getting a slight wiff too. my car is just shy of 40k now. If its the clutch i'll be gutted, i was planning on some wheels and maybe suspension mods..
  13. Happy Birthday bud! Hope you have a gud un...
  14. Stuey go for it! Kris is a top bloke and the exhaust is dirt cheap! p.s. - Thanks for the spoiler kris - bargain!
  15. Well she's offered to pay and said she'll have the roof looked at. I'll see what kind of price im looking at for repairs, if it's inexpensive then i'll just pay it,anything more and i'll probably go halfers with her. Alittle happier now!
  16. im up for this, as long as i dont have to travel over 4 hrs to get to the meet then im in.
  17. Dicky - I'm liking your thinking!! i may persue this... will have to look at the policy. lomoto - my neighbour is quite a nice person so i wont be pushing her for any money i'll just mention it and see what she says. My sister has said she will pay for Chipsaway to do the repairs. Awwww! so a big to my sister.
  18. Digsy - looks in good condition really. I don't blame my neighbour as it was the wind that did it. but im jst peeved its damaged my car! i just hope she gets it fixed and stops any more falling off. suppose thats all i can ask. Trev - Thanks Bud! will do.
  19. Im seriously caked but again theres nothing much i can do. A good friend of mine is a copper and has been dealing with these incidents all week, as you say (Chesterfield) it is classed as an act of God and she doesnt have to give me 1p towards my repairs. I will be mentioning the roof to her so that she gets it fixed and stops it from ever happening again. She's not a bad neighbour so hopefully she'll have pitty and slip me some money. lol I'll see what Chipsaway have to say..
  20. I woke up this morning to find roof tiles next to my car which have fallen off next doors house. Having just gave the Z a wash i noticed loads of deep scracthes where the tiles have hit my car. I'm soo angry at the moment , i dont stand anywhere legally and if i want to claim on my insurance i'll have to fork out nearly £500 excess! Grrrrrrrrrrr!!! i'm fed up.. Anyone know what i can do about the scratches on my tailgate and bumper. I dont fancy paying to get the whole lot resprayed but was thinking of getting Chipsaway to have a look. What do you guys think?
  21. Smart Choice MarkW! Your Z will sound much meatier with this on.
  22. Have one of these on my car (cost me over £200) and it sounds the dogs danglies! The k&N kit is a top quality item. Good luck with the sale Charlie!
  23. Having had both T1-s and T1-r's (not on a 350z) - i would never put the t1-s on to any of my cars again. The T1-R are much much better in my opinion. If its only a small amount of difference in price between the two i'd definately pay that bit extra for the T1-R's.
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