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Everything posted by ir_fuel

  1. I know that the suspension of the US one is different from the European ones. Did you change that?
  2. What is that retractable cup holder? Where is it installed?
  3. You completely loose the look of the spokes in black
  4. ir_fuel

    G37S Coupe

    Nop, they look more discrete, but then again, if you need four seats and the boot space I think it is a very good alternative.
  5. ir_fuel

    G37S Coupe

    What is a right up? smart arse..... was in a rush ok...... its one of those things that pedantic bar stewards like you can pick up on! It was a serious question. I'm no native English speaker you know
  6. ir_fuel

    G37S Coupe

    What is a right up?
  7. Just wondering. Why did you import one from the US?
  8. There is no such thing as a decent car wash
  9. That height looks nice Some people lower too much, which makes the arches "eat" the wheels, that looks even worse imho
  10. Hallo Martin, hier nog een gekke Belg Close but no cigar
  11. Chipped ibiza cupra? And you left it idling for 4 minutes after each drive? Djeez I guess i had the same engine (180hp, chipped to 210) in my TT, but I never bothered with that. I just drove at normal speeds/accelerations the last mile (which you have to anyway, if your garage is in a city center )
  12. So I repeat, why is there no form of verification? Over here this is virtually impossible
  13. http://store.apple.com/Apple/WebObjects ... o=DD9AC16E I ve got these and am very happy with them.
  14. eh? What kind of country is that overthere? You just need a bank account number and you can witdraw funds? Whatever happened to ID validation, autographs, security codes, digipasses etc etc ???
  15. Next month, but that wont help you i guess
  16. And if you give your points do you lose them yourself?
  17. Just start it and drive immediatly, not going over 4k rpm nor pushing too hard on the loud pedal (which can be even worse, even when not passing 4km rpm) for the first 5-10 minutes
  18. You thinking about nobody in particular now are you?
  19. ir_fuel


  20. I compared Belgian prices to Belgian prices for a full operational leasing. btw i edited it, forgot to calculate road tax I did the same calculation for my TT when buying it and it came to paying nearly the same cost of ownership, with that difference that at the end the car was mine, or the leasing company's. The choice was quickly made
  21. On the subject of leasing, where you are "only paying the deprecation..." I did some calculations: VW Golf V GTi, standard car, no options: (couldn't find a Z on the leasing company's website) full leasing with fuel: 25.000km / year , 5 years. 1029.9€ / month. Giving the total at the end of: 61794€ If we were to buy it (same spec): price: 25.950,00€ (without dealer discount ! ) insurance (full coverage): approx. 1500€ / year (that was what i payed for the TT) = 7500€ tax to put it on the road for the first time: 2500€ yearly road tax: 250€ * 5 = 1250€ fuel: 125.000 km at lets say 10l/100km = 12500 l * 1.5 = 18750 maintenance / tyres: if I take again what my TT cost me i ll be 3 sets of front tyres, one set of rears and maintenance every 15.000km 3 sets of front tyres at approx 180€ * 6 = 1080€ 1 set of rears: 180€ * 2 = 360€ maintenance: between 150 - 350€ (never paid more. I know, its cheaper than in the UK) so lets say 250€ on average * 8 = 2000 + 1000€ for miscellaneous stuff (cambelt or i dunno whatelse, or brake pads ... ) total: 25950€ 2500€ 1250€ 7500€ 18750€ 1080€ 360€ 3000€ ------ 60390 € remember, the leasing was : 61794€ now lets factor in a loan for buying the car which will make it approx 2500€ more expensive in the end 62890€ Which leads us to difference of 1096€. So if this car is worth more than 1096€ leasing is a lot more expensive in this case. Imagine selling the car for 8000€ after 5 years, which you cannot do with the leasing, because at the end it is gone. Net result: -62890 + 8000 -------- 54890€ total cost of ownership, which is a difference of 6904€ compared to leasing. And this does not take into account that you usually get a discount from the dealer when buying a new car (for my Z this was somewhere around 7-8%) Now this is not a very scientific investigation and your numbers may vary wildly, but anyhow ..... *edit, forgot road tax ...
  22. http://www.6speedonline.com/forums/show ... hp?t=95722
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