If you want good wax products, get Swissvax or Blackfire stuff. It is more expensive, but it lasts longer and is better than your average Autoglym wax. A good waxing takes a lot of preparation time for the bodywork, and unless you plan to do this very often, get expensive stuff and do it thoroughly, but less frequent. My car gets a very light polish and then a wax every 3 months, and there still is wax on my car after that 3 month period because its good stuff.
Also once you have waxed the car, STAY AWAY from car washes and the likes, even the ones where you just hose down the car with some kind of soap (without brushes), because the soap is too aggressive and will remove the wax layer!
I'm not inventing this, a friend of mine has a detailing business and does cars all the time so I guess he knows what he is talking about