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Everything posted by ir_fuel

  1. Sorry for the semi-hijack, but i guess its not possible to just replace the front speakers in the Bose setup?
  2. 14th the car is going in for an oil change (after 1200 miles, I prefer this, so all the "new engine" crap gets out of the car ) and they have a new ipod connector, so we can test it then and if that solves the problem, replace it.
  3. ir_fuel

    Aesthetic mods

    I think there is a big difference in: - Changing the body kit of a sports car (within reasonable limits, eg, other bumpers on a Porsche, or a 350z ...) or - Trying to convert your car into what's it not (eg. taking an Opel Corsa and putting spoilers and bodykit on it in the hope it will resemble a sports car) ...
  4. I live about 100 miles from that track. Maybe i ll pop along. Not too sure about taking the car on it dough (I ve already ridden there a couple of times on my motorcycle )
  5. ir_fuel

    Aesthetic mods

    You forgot to mention the rear spoiler?
  6. ir_fuel

    Aesthetic mods

    There is a guy here who parks his car in the street where i work. He has this BMW 3 series E36, with those cool "M3" mirrors, 4 exhausts the size that would fit over your head, a bumper kit, lowered and all that @*!#. And on the badge of the back it says: "318tds" You can imagine what that thing sounds like .... A diesel with a sports exhaust
  7. So where is that pm with the interesting info?
  8. ir_fuel

    Aesthetic mods

    The nismo kit is the only kit which looks decent on a 350Z IMHO, but then again. The 350Z is a very beautiful car and doesnt actually "need" this kit to look nice. The problem is most "tuners" buy a piece of sh*t on wheels and think it will look nice when bolting some spoilers on it . Its like taking some girl which weighs 150kg, putting "designer" clothes on her and then claiming she looks as good or even better than lets say Alyssa Milano.
  9. That looks like crap The "wide body" look makes it look really "add-on". And the front bumper really makes it resemble a porsche when looked from the side
  10. My god, those in the UK must be really awful then, i dont even consider these here "pretty"
  11. ir_fuel


    Tell me about it. I hardly understand what it says Ow well, always better than no info at all i guess
  12. Nope. So you can honestly reply that NOBODY ELSE has had this problem?
  13. The car on the 2nd picture is the most beautiful. And whats up with the MX? Now that is useful to have screens on the back of the front-seats, when there are no rear seats
  14. My iPod interface does weird stuff. The iPod nano goes from the menu to the screen "ok to disconnect" and back all the time, and sometimes it stops and then i can use it and it works normally, until the next time i connect the iPod to the car again. Tried upgrading/downgrading firmware, didnt help. Tried a friends iPod, same thing happening. Its an ipod connector which connects to the FM antenna of the clarion radio. Anyone else had this problem?
  15. Isnt it illegal to use a thing like that in the UK? I thought i read it somewhere Anyway, i have an iPod connector in my car, but my iPod goes bananas when connecting it. Dunno what the problem is .... maybe this system works better.
  16. Here is a file i got from my Nissan dealer, containing the specs of the Eibach spacers used on my car. Its the TUV approval report. Might be interesting for those considering spacers on standard Nissan wheels (document covers some Nissan models, including the 350Z) http://www.convery.me.uk/temp/spacers_nissan_tuv.pdf (thanks to Rob_Quads for hosting the file) Joris
  17. ir_fuel


    Sorry - just re-read it and missed the table at the bottom. Handy it says the ones I am getting are also fine I thought people might be interested by this file. Maybe something to put in the FAQ section? "Which spacers are TÃœV approved?" I ll put a topic there. If it is incorrect/inappropriate i m sure the mods will fix it
  18. ir_fuel


    I think this car could give the carrera 2 S a run for its money. More hp and 4 wheel drive, and a better engine placement. All depends on chassis and suspension of course
  19. ir_fuel


    Ehh. Have you actually read the file i put online, or are you just guessing?
  20. Personally, i couldnt care less, so gimme your best shot. Its : - The internet - a forum Every non-technical thing which gets posted on this medium is for me "non-relevant", meaning that in the best case it will make me laugh, but i ll never get upset or feel personally hurt by something a random joe types on his computer and posts on the net, even if it would be insulting my gf/family, or ... even worse ... MY CAR
  21. may be you wanna shut up Ehm, .... NO? Some people take the internet a bit too seriously i guess Ok, forget what i said about your GF (if it offends you ), i'll put it more directly.... your new gearKNOB looks like a vibrator (imho, and apparently not only imho ) But hey, les gouts et les couleurs ....
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