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Everything posted by ir_fuel

  1. Didnt the sat-nav change in the 2006 model?
  2. No it doesnt. Found it on the net: width including mirrors 2019mm. That leaves 10cm
  3. No, i just wanted to know coz i saw Nismo sells both 18" and 19" wheels, and they both are 8.5 front 9.5 rear. Just wondering how that compared to the rays in wheel width, thats all
  4. Yeah i ve heard about this before, tends to happen only to custard cars for some reason
  5. i ve got the DVD based navigation system and I m quite happy with it
  6. its the switch thats supposed to be in front of the round button to move the mirrors, right? Well, i aint got one, unless i really missed it
  7. Coz i dont have the "nice little switch" on my 2006 car ?
  8. For the import tax you are right, and i guess its the same tax all over the EU. Now i didnt at VAT coz its country specific. So i compared buying them in Belgium without VAT compared to buying them from the US without VAT. Now for shipping costs in Europe, there is a Nissan dealer in Belgium who can supply all Nismo parts, and he has a catalogue on this site stating the prices. So if i were to order there and pick them up there wouldnt be any shipping costs methinks Still i stick to my idea, for the potential financial gain, its not worth the hassle in case something might go wrong with shipping/wheel damage/ ...
  9. hmmm, did some calculating. The seller told me it would cost approx $450 to get them to overhere. So: Suppose the price to pay is $1500 1500 * 1.1 + 450 = $2100 without VAT which means $525 without VAT per wheel Buying new wheels overhere: €535 * 2 + €550 * 2 = €2170 without vat $2100 = €1670 2170 - 1670 = €500 Basically, this means that if the price were to go up to $2000, it would cost the same as getting them new here ( and i suppose the price will rise due the intrest). And even with a 200 or 300€ price difference, its still better to buy them at your local supplier imho, if something was to be wrong with them (imagine 1 damaged wheel, you gonna pay for sending it back?) and so on. Just my 2 cents
  10. I m talking about the size of the garage door. Inside the garage there is enough space to open the door ofcourse
  11. And the stability system will always interfere when braking on the Z, even when its turned off. So my idea: -ABS always stays on -Traction control can be turned off -Stability control can be turned off, but will still interfere when braking and e.g. the back end wants to go sideways. Wont interfere when hitting the accelerator dough
  12. What are the widths of the rays rims?
  13. the width mentioned, is that including or excluding mirrors? Just wondering, coz i was looking for a house, and the garage door is 2120mm. Just thinking if i can park the car in it or not. (gotta have some priorities eh )
  14. I take it yours is supposed to tho isn't it? Since the car comes from germany, yes, but i d like it to speak something else
  15. Let me know the outcome plz, mine talks german too
  16. If you have a 40k/month income, why not
  17. I saw some head-to-head review too in a dutch magazine. Their conclusion was that the TT was as fast as the 350Z, and much easier to drive on the limit, but less of a "true" sportscar due to the lack of feedback and that it was so "safe" to drive. On their test track they had about the same lap times, but it took them more laps to get there with the 350Z, compared to the TT. Its basically a true Audi in that aspect. Fast, comfortable, safe to drive on the limit ---> boring after a while. Thats what they said at least Conclusion: you want "the best" car, get the TT, you want the car to give you the most thrills and fun, get the 350Z. I think i ll have to agree on this. Depends on what you expect from a car. I dont think trying to drift a FWD car with a haldex to get RW power (max 50%) will be the same than drifting a RWD car with an LSD Now i must say on the looks department, the Z looks way more like a sportcar than the TT dough
  18. Ok, checked my calendar. I have a gig to play that day, so no go for me i guess
  19. How is the sound quality with the phone adapter in the car for you guys? And i dont mean what you hear, bu how good other people can understand you while calling? Apparently when i use it i sound quite "far away" and from about 80mph it gets very difficult to understand what i am saying. Is there a way to "tune" the volume ?
  20. Well, thats what car companies do... try to sell cars, and as much as possible
  21. You can pay me £30 om my bank account, for being such a friendly guy on this forum, if you really want to
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