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Everything posted by ir_fuel

  1. There is a difference in saying that this is true, and following his as a "guideline" to buy or not buy this or that car. I completely agree that some kinds of cars attract a certain type of people, but this would not influence me in getting one, if i really like that car.
  2. And what would you carry in your car that requires going over the strut brace? I mean, there are no heaps of space between the brace and the window.
  3. its the car equivalent of a 600cc sportsbike imho
  4. Never "raced" against another Z here in Belgium. They are a pretty rare sight on the road here dough
  5. Hmm. It would be a bit f*cking pointless running it in then if they had it going full beans on a dyno prior to accumulating any mileage. it is pointless running in a new engine imho, Remind me to never buy a 2nd hand car off you!!! You wont, the steering wheel is on the wrong side
  6. Really depends on the manufacturer. Audi for instance delivers you a new car, and the first oil change only happens at 20.000 miles! And the car for sure isnt running on mineral oil those first 20.000 What makes you think it wasnt done at the factory? What makes you think it was?
  7. Ehh ? The space behind the strut is also part of the boot, is it not Gus Yes, if you manage to put stuff UNDER the strut. Putting stuff over the strut is just crazy
  8. Bloody 'ell. Stop putting stuff in your car that doesnt fit in the boot space
  9. Yes, except for the PINK part. Color is something different imho There is a difference between liking something coz you like it's looks, and not liking bit because of the image. Its not about "best car for best price", its "the best car YOU like and you can afford, no matter what idiots also drive it"
  10. Really depends on the manufacturer. Audi for instance delivers you a new car, and the first oil change only happens at 20.000 miles! And the car for sure isnt running on mineral oil those first 20.000
  11. Yes, albeit it is the US version. Imho the Japanese one looks better
  12. If people don't buy a car because of the "owners" image, thats really sad for them. I used to have an Audi TT, generally percieved as a 'hairdresser's car'. Well, i couldnt care less, it was my first car and i was really happy with it, if i were to go back in time i ll do the same thing (but maybe the Quattro then ). Now i have a Z, a 'poor man's Porsche'. But what the heck, I mean, even a Porsche Boxster is considered a poor man's Porsche, and the people usually using this expression are the ones that already suffer to pay the loan for their Vauxhall Astra, let alone that they will ever be able to buy either a Boxster or a 350Z. About the image of the guys(and gals) on the forum. If i go to a forum, i go there to get the necessary info on the car. I also signed up here before actually buying the car. Of course there is a lot of "inside jokes" going on, but thats on any community, and the few i know where it doesn't happen because of strict moderation enforcements get pretty boring to read very quickly. Personally i am a member of a motorcyclist's forum, with more visitors and posters than this one, and there is NO moderation whatsoever going on, and it works pretty well i must say. Oh, and, the average car owner of any type is not the one you will find on a forum. No matter what make/model/... most owners aren't "fanatics" about their car, whether that be a Fiesta, a 350Z, a TT or a Porsche 911 Turbo. Just my 2 (euro)cents
  13. Hmm. It would be a bit f*cking pointless running it in then if they had it going full beans on a dyno prior to accumulating any mileage. it is pointless running in a new engine imho, as long as you wait until its up to working temperature before flooring it. But there are other components to a car too, like the gearbox, and most importantly, the driver, that also need running in
  14. I doubt the controls still work. Honestly, for me hifi is important too, to a certain point, but face it, at the speed you will be driving that beast there will already be too much cabin noise (it does not have Audi A8 insulation ) to fully exploit a high-end audio system The best audio quality of this car is under the bonnet, trust me on that one @beavis: was? was? you sissy
  15. well well, if even the admins go off topic ..... tssss
  16. Of course, if that weren't the case they wouldn't have bothered making a TT kit in the first place
  17. Please do so. Whilst Sarnie (who obviously is really bored, considering his post-count) is reading this he won't be posting nonsense in other threads
  18. And for those living in the metric world: 105Nm
  19. It says for a RHD. Is there a difference with LHD models to install this?
  20. I guess it is more complicated, because if it was just that, 1 type of turbo would be enough for all engines, just regulate the max boost. I guess it has something to do with that each turbo has an ideal operating "range", because you need to get it spinning and keep it spinning at a certain speed, and i suppose turbo's are built with this in mind, so not all of them are equal
  21. I'm with Fujitsubo-dude
  22. ... and a lot of luck ....
  23. Where do you see skills Sarnie? I only see some idiots slalomming through traffic on a straight road
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