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Everything posted by ir_fuel

  1. As long as you get P zero's and dont put on P6000 and the likes there should be no problem
  2. ir_fuel


    Use Firefox. Installed it a month ago Never looked back. Oh and for those sites that dont show correctly in non-IE browsers, install IETab extension in firefox and you can use the IE view for those sites. Works like a charm
  3. If you are going fast the other side of the line cant understand you anyway, so, doesnt matter that you cannot make a call
  4. http://www.flabber.nl/archief/018363.php
  5. I just opened this thread and it's already getting very exciting i see
  6. But you own a bmw so you only have the right to shut up here
  7. Yeah, and they wont give it easily anyway, as long as that car has a UK equivalent which is being sold by Nissan UK
  8. And not "broadcast" the conversation you are having through half the street
  9. Ow well, in my case its simple, dont have the cash to buy a 911 Turbo, nor have the cash to mess around with my engine to push it to 400+ hp. Damn motorbikes, another money-pit :teeth:
  10. Yeah he asked the question in 278 bhp or sth. Anyway, why you UK ppl have to use different hp from the rest of us, god knows Just looking at the units you guys use for other stuff gives me a
  11. Same price as the old one i thought? The question i ask myself is, if you have a good F/I conversion, e.g. with reworked internals and so on, how much money does that cost in total, and if you add that money to the price of a new Z, what kind of car could you get for it (and still have factory warranty on top of that!) ?
  12. And i thought only women were unaware of the power of their car's engine
  13. Well, ok then, a Porsche 911 Turbo
  14. The correct engineering solution is to stop messing around and buy a TVR :teeth:
  15. Funny, some guy asks the seller "is your car 280 or 300hp" the guy answers: "dunno, ill check"
  16. Yeah, had to get my car pass some technical checkup before registering it, as i bought it in germany at a nissan dealer(6 month waiting time in belgium, 2 week in germany for the same car ). So off we went: spacers off technical checkup spacers on
  17. The phone system is crap imho. Its hard to understand you when calling when driving, and when you are parked and calling with it half the street can hear what the guy who you are calling with is saying
  18. And that has to come from someone living in the UK, of all "EU" countries. BTW, for car homologation and modifications there are no EU laws. Every country has different rules about this.
  19. Here there is. Basically you cannot remove anything which was on the car for homologation
  20. Anyone knows this? http://www.motordyneengineering.com/350Z.asp They have some special stuff for the 2006 model which is supposed to give you even more hp/torque, if combined with a spacer. Anyone experience with this? Any idea what it costs on this side of the ocean? Btw, i asked about this self-adjusting ecu stuff @ the Nismo supplier. He never heard anything about it
  21. Is that legal in the UK? Because by replacing the steering wheel there is no airbag anymore
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