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Everything posted by ir_fuel

  1. Just block postcount at 350 when you reach it
  2. Quite some forums i visit have this "live chat" function. There isn't one forum where it has success. Its just a different way of communicating. It's like saying "lets all add eachother on msn and have a group conversation". Doesnt work either The advantage of a forum is that you can reply to Sarnie's postwhoring without having to wait for Sarnie to join the "room" (then again, is he ever out of the room? ). On a chat, if there is nobody you just have to wait before spamming, and moreover, it doesnt increase your postcount so no free sticker
  3. 2 seconds on a track IS a lot of time Unless you were driving like a sissy
  4. If you think LOTR3 is gay, check out the movie Alexander. Now that s GAY
  5. ir_fuel

    couple of pics

    Bigger wheels wont fill the arches more as the total diameter of the wheel + tyre will be the same. If you want more 'arch-filling' consider lowering the car, aldough not too much imho or it will really look if the arches are too big for the wheels
  6. and mine is a true and original Casio which cost me the whole 20€. And guess what? It shows the date and the time too Can't really spend money on watches, i always end up breaking them anyway when scratching against the wall when moving stuff around and so on
  7. I think this thread is in the wrong section
  8. Sounds fairly normal as one of the goals is to "exploit" her and give her the image she needs in order to be a commercial success. You don't want ppl to be getting creative there, thats the job of "marketing"
  9. I think you will find that she will onyl get about 5p per copy sold, not exactly a big money making business for her, but the label will be reaping it in. Its also shocking to know her contract terms with the label. Well, wouldnt complain methinks. Tons of ppl outthere who don't get a chance like this.
  10. pics? Oops, "will post pics soon", ok i ll wait
  11. The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada Shrek (2) Ronin Leon Borat The Bourne identity Ocean"s eleven Sin City oh, and the best of all Lucky number Slevin
  12. And why do they test a 2003 model car against a 2006 one, when the other already has a 2006 "upgrade" model ? Whats next? Compare between the 2006 350Z and the MK1 TT?
  13. http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Bunny_boiler tnx, learnt a new word today
  14. here another contortionist. Wouldnt want to marry this one dough http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid= ... 7763801953
  15. http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid= ... 8711912043
  16. I love the smell of bullshit Especially in the morning along with napalm , I know Im serious, this is something i believe in. Im not religious at all but there is one energy that powers everything and what that is i really dont know It's called magnetism
  17. No idea, i used to follow that kind of stuff, but i lost track a couple of years ago (got more into hanging around on car and motorcycle forums than on sharkyextreme.com or other geek sites )
  18. better muchas wonga and muchas lova than no wonga and muchas wanka
  19. That religion causes wars is bullsh¨t imho. Religion is just used an excuse to make war. A good "explanation" of this you can see in the Southpark episode where Cartman is waiting to get a Nintendo Wii (those who have seen it know what i mean )
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