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Everything posted by ir_fuel

  1. Lower pressure will increase the temperature of the tyre, hence (until a certain level ofcourse) increase grip
  2. no, they would all get a Ford GT40 and sell it 2 months later
  3. Coz (as JC said on top gear) they stopped designing the Cayenne after slapping the 911 lights on?
  4. And if you want practicality in one of your cars, just get an RS, will be much more fun to drive than to hog along 2400kg of Cayenne Turbo S.
  5. ir_fuel

    Winter Cars!

    March? you must be kidding make that end of april if the weather is like this years ....
  6. Yeah, just cannot use Virosol on the wheels anymore, coz it removes the wax Got some poorboys stuff too to do the car, good stuff
  7. YES or if you can prove with your ID card that your name is Sarnie they let you in without asking any questions
  8. why discuss about a luxury SUV, its just a retarded concept
  9. Its not a matter of scrubbing. Its really "baked" onto the wheel.
  10. I clean my car every 2-3 weeks (sorry dudes, i really have other/better stuff to do than to wash my car every sunday when it is p*ssing rain here ) and it still happens on my wheels
  11. Well dunno, but can anyone tell me what product to use to remove those black 'chunks' of brakedust that you get on your alloys? They really seem "baked" on the wheel, black bits of a few mm² in size, and you cannot remove them by just washing them with soap
  12. Start your own topic I m sure you know how to do that
  13. Sarnie, you comparing the price to the one of the consultant you used?
  14. What members do i want to meet? Hmm ... the ones doing the Europe trip in 2007?
  15. ir_fuel


    LOL whats next, a Z towing a caravan?
  16. Dont worry, the impression you are putting across is just that you need to brag about the amount of girls/dates, nothing more, nothing less
  17. Maybe he can consult sl114 for some advice?
  18. ?? Is this some JDM feature? The only beeps i hear are from the Nissan parking sensors.
  19. @Ming: you talking about compromising pictures of him with some students on that laptop? :PB)
  20. you guys talking about these stars?
  21. And have Sarnie opening "complain" topics all the time?
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