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Everything posted by ir_fuel

  1. Still, i dont see any arguments there except for "I say it is, so it is". Its as much to a pc, as your 350Z is to a Nissan Murano. 100% right on that one, but that has been the goal from the beginning with all consoles. I m sorry dude, but you really havent got a clue of what you are talking about when you talk about 'ease of portability'. I did the Xbox port of a PC engine, colleagues of mine did a GameCube and PS2 port of that engine, and I am currently porting the "cleaned up" version of that engine to Xbox360. It really isn't as easy as it seems, just because it shares some PC components. If you want more details, before going entirely off topic, you can find me on pm or msn Some games will NEVER make it to console, due to the nature of the game. I agree on that. Has got absolutely nothing to do with it Agree partly, apart from the "PC engine" part. (see above )
  2. There is ONE BIG reason why pc games have been dumbed down for consoles, or why console games which appear on several consoles arent 'all that'. The Playstation 2. From a developer point of view, only lunatics like to program that monster. And "monster", not because it is as powerful as a monster (if only it were). There is stuff it cannot do in hardware which was already implemented in a 3DFX Voodoo1 FFS Companies want to maximize revenue with the least effort, so they take the lowest common denominator of all the platforms the game will appear on (in casu, the PS2) and the extra power of the other platforms will not be used (hence GTA vice city looking like it does on pc). If you are doing a dedicated console game, for 1 console type there is no excuse in producing "low-end crap". Anyway, if I had the choice (and many developers with me) i'd ditch pc gamedevelopment altogether and go 100% console
  3. Time to install some gps software on that thing
  4. If you get a new Alfa they give 5 years warranty now in Belgium, dunno in UK.
  5. About performance: colleagues of mine made a "high end" demo for the publisher, meaning, taking the meanest and fastest CPU outthere, slapping a few gigs ram on it and taking the latest generation nVidia card, well actually, 2 of those, in SLI and push that stuff to the limit to "show off" the possibilities. Now that ran quite nicely ofcourse. Then they ported that stuff to the xbox360 and it ran nearly TWICE as fast The thing has 3 CPU's, with 2 core's each to start with, and tons less OS overhead. And why is it a "pc"? Everything which has a cpu, gpu, ram and input device is a "pc" then, so is a playstation 1, a supernintendo or a nintendo DS for that matter (or your dvd player, which also has these components ...) And the Unreal 3 engine runs on pc and xbox360, so? I dont see the argument? As said before, the fixed spec and the "no hassle" play are the biggest advantages of a console. I don't see why your favorite racing sim couldn't run on that console, as its cpu power (needed for all those "realistic" physics) far outruns that of your current pc.
  6. ir_fuel


    LOL there are less Astra's parked in the street where i work
  7. and there is more to games than just gfx... prime example: the GTA series
  8. Not too bad , just the arches are covering the wheels a bit too much imho esp. at the rear
  9. once a year getting a £300 video card, and once every 2 years a £300 CPU, or just getting a £300 console once?
  10. and there is more in the gaming world than just FPS games
  11. THE biggest advantage for games on a console is that the hardware spec is fixed, so if it runs well on 1 machine it will run without problems on all. Thats something which cannot be said of pc games, where you constantly need to upgrade RAM, CPU, GPU to keep up with the latest games, and hardware and driver issues are daily business. For non-tech ppl a console is just much easier to use, no installations, just pop the dvd in and play
  12. PGR 3 is good to learn the Nordschleife
  13. Oh and btw, you are telling lies. Quake only came out in 1996, so that 1.5 decades seems like a bit of an exaggeration to me
  14. If we go that route, I used to play Doom in coop with a friend of mine at university, by connecting our 2 pc's with a serial cable Back to you
  15. Indeed, nor has he played Halo. The game has to be suited for it, you wont just port Quake 3 to the xbox360 for instance, that wouldnt work. BTW, on my desk if have a nice black Xbox360, aka the XDK
  16. I m waiting for Guitar Hero II on Xbox360
  17. Just get a 350Z (modified or not) engine, it ll be enough hassle and cost you enough like that, and at least you ll know it ll fit and your car will work one day. All those "put other engine in" projects all seem cool at first, until you get into all the problems that pop up when trying to complete the project, and you end up abandoning it after a lot of frustration and money spent
  18. ir_fuel

    Winter Cars!

    Exactly, not going to do big powerslides
  19. ir_fuel

    Winter Cars!

    time for winter tyres it would say
  20. ir_fuel

    Winter Cars!

    yeah, and just blip that throttle a little bit harder when taking a slow corner in the cold/wet and feel the rear moving
  21. ir_fuel

    Winter Cars!

    The only "winter" investment i ll do (and i need to do urgently now ... ) is to get me some winter tyres
  22. ir_fuel

    Winter Cars!

    I'm with custardio Except for the £1k/month. I have no idea honestly (and i dont think i WANT to know )
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