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Everything posted by ir_fuel

  1. ir_fuel

    Nismo Exhaust

    easily? Well, the longest part is about 1m70cm, hardly something you stow away "easily" in a Z Dont you have friends with an estate car Sarnie?
  2. Yeah, until someone finds you a W4nker and keys your car because of that anti-social behavior ...
  3. Depends on the distance dough, or it might have been the opposite
  4. Or not, if it resembles a 100NX
  5. Thats not so bad. The bald pussy i own needs to be stuffed at least 4 times a day or she isn't satisfied
  6. Dont you all think it is a bit weird they try to enforce 120g/km whilst there arent any cars on the market in which you can transport 4 people + driver which are capable of being under that limit? So basically every "family dad" with wife and 2 children is an evil polluter and should buy a smaller car? Oh, and nobody read that article about the average CO2 emissions of the "company cars" driven by the people in the EU who decide about this? I think they averaged emission rates of around 290 g / km
  7. Did you get the scratch repaired someone did you your car?
  8. in that case maybe ask one of your many dates?
  9. Are you going to stick someone on the doors on the outside? Better use good ductape then
  10. ir_fuel

    Nismo Exhaust

    thats a bargain Go sarnie
  11. So is Mrs Sarnie There is a Mrs Sarnie
  12. Its personality and that its looks pretty cool imho
  13. Soft and warm, just like a shaved pussy Big fan of "hot" things too, he installs himself on the radiator which is so hot you cannot hold your hand on it . After that he really feels HOT on his belly
  14. Just be careful, dont push on it, and always rub in straight lines
  15. Thats the one thing i refuse to use. The iron. The rest of the stuff I don't mind (filling a washing machine or tumble dryer doesn't take long and for the dishes i got me a dishwasher, )
  16. Coz a gayman at least looks decent on the inside, not like an older 911 which imho has a horrible interiour, and because getting a new car is always better than buying 2nd hand, especially when there is no more warranty and knowing the prices of porsche labour and spare parts
  17. and for the price you spent on all that you ve could have gotten a porsche Cayman S
  18. Indeed, oh and when your car is properly waxed you can nearly dry it without drying, by gently pouring water over the car and have the water "drag" the rest of the water along from the car. You can remove 80% of the water on the car like this, and for the rest you use the towel. Or if you are really "hard-core" you could dry the complete car that way.
  19. You also get that error all the time Sarnie?
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