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Everything posted by ir_fuel

  1. Congratulations chum When's the big day then ?? we could have a parade of Zeds UY at the front of course Probably next year realistically as we are saving to go to Australia for a month in November Sarnie your making too much money From what i read in another topic it seems Big Mac's are Big Business
  2. Indeed. Would never eat foie gras myself Killing animals to eat them is one thing (and a natural thing) Force-feeding animals in order to deform them so we can eat that is another thing.
  3. why would mine get scratched to death?
  4. So you are putting on a heavier bonnet with holes of which you are not sure that they do what they should do. Collides a bit with your "principles" about wheels and weights
  5. omfg, and they even painted the strut brace.. Now who would do THAT
  6. Has this been verified in a wind tunnel? The front vent seems quite small, and don't presume that because there is a hole in the bonnet which is fully in the wind that the air automatically gets "pushed" into that hole when driving fast.
  7. indeed! Saw it used for the first time this weekend on a friends car we were detailing (well, technically spoken, my ex-car which i've neglected a bit on the cleaning side ) and indeed its impressive, also on wheels. But dont forget to polish and wax afterwards as it is quite an aggressive process
  8. I dont think the local police will apreciate some foreigner blasting around on a bike without license plate, insurance or lights
  9. Even with TC/ESP/whateverthethingyiscalled on you can get the car sideways if pushing hard (and i know what i am talking about ). The only real issue is if you really have it going sideways and you want to correct the drift yourself that the TC system decides to "help" you with that, with quite some "abrupt" individual-wheel-braking to get the car back in line asap (which is logical, after all).
  10. A flat of her own to escape from you and the baby! No, that would be HIS present
  11. I m gonna have a blast in Spain too in april, but we ll be "blasting" through Spain with a van containing the bikes, to get to the circuit of Almeria
  12. ir_fuel


    I have lived there for 6 years, the Gentse Feesten were at 100m from my door. Luckily i never needed to get up early those days
  13. I wondered what the purpose of the demo was. That you cant do anything with 800hp in the snow? That F1 cars arent made for driving in the snow? Dunno, beats me This testdrive vid of VW is more entertaining dough http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83auuj9BDho&eurl=
  14. how bout this, instead of those "common" Z logos?
  15. ir_fuel


    Flemish. Living in the French part of Belgium right now dough, so got a good view on this whole "language frontier" thing here La Grande Place? Ow well, its for tourists you know, nothing special going on there. There is more interesting stuff to do in Brussels. I guess they also sent you through the "Rue de boucher" where are the restaurants are?
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wyjc-EOA_O4
  17. ir_fuel


    i do whaddayawannaknow?
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