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Everything posted by ir_fuel

  1. Wassup with Poker these days eh? Seems everyone all of the sudden is into it
  2. Your not a chav, maybe your a 'goffling'! You scored 10%!
  3. The problem is that the surface is not racing track surface, its public road surface, with the same (lack of) grip as on a public road. Also playing a game could be dangerous too, as you think you know all the bends (which is true) but you dont necessarily know the condition of the road everywhere, which is at least as important as the bends on that track, and which could get you into serious trouble if you were just to hit that bump in the road which you werent supposed to drive over, setting your car off-balance and paying a close visit to the armco. Just take it easy over there, get an experienced driver as copilot and dont push it. It takes 50-60 laps before you get to know the track (and that is a lot of fuel and rubber ).
  4. I guess a lot of work went it too that car, but for me its a bit OTT honestly
  5. Thats pure bollocks I think last year there were 3
  6. DONT PUSH IT or you wont make it back home in 1 piece with your car. This track cannot be compared to others, tons of blind turns and it keeps going and going. Also the height differences can seriously upset the suspension and the traction in some corners. I know there is 1 corner there (dont know all the names by heart, could look it up) where if you push it a bit and you let go of the accelerator only a little in a RWD car you will find yourself facing the wrong side of the road because of the road going up / down in that corner. Also if it is your first time dont go in a weekend, or certainly dont go in a holiday weekend (like easter or sth) because, and i am sorry to say this and dont get offended here, the ring at that time is infested with Brits that seem to have lost a few nuts 'n' bolts in their head on the way there And something very important. If you can (and you should) take someone with you who knows the track very well to be your co-pilot to guide you over the track. This will allow you to have a bit of fun without having to do 30 laps on your own first wondering where the lines and the braking zones are. About accidents, indeed that could be costly. I saw an Englishman last year who crashed his porsche into the armco, thought he it was "ok" and continued his lap. What he didnt realise was that he had an oil leak on this car. He spilled oil for over 2km before his car completely broke down, in the mean time taking down quite some motorcyclists who slipped on the oil. You can imagine this being a public road and the police coming at each accident (and therefore it being his responsibility) that he will be presented with a nice bill (ring closed for an hour, cleaning up of oil over 2km, armco repairs, probably some fine for continuing driving after crashing his car, damage to motorcycles, and the damage to his car ....).
  7. http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid= ... 59738855&q http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid= ... 89146673&q Guess seatbelts were an option back then
  8. He should have put the blue wheels from the other thread on his car
  9. If you are confident get the bridge loan, and do not loan too much, keep the car so at least your new potential clients wont see you arriving in some trash bin on wheels. Its all about image
  10. I just knew it. Vaguely remember Tim mentioning a Rover previously This more your style?.....
  11. Unfortunately not. The FSA state that you can only be registered to one company at a time to prevent a conflict of interests. Ah that changes things. Well there are some things to consider: if the business doesn't go as planned is it easy for you to find a job again? If it is no issue then I would also say to go for it. Otherwise you might regret never having tried in the first place Maybe do something completely different (and less rewarding) on the side to generate a bit of an income (some no-brainer job, part-time (or less) just to get you some cash for that time, heck, working at McDonalds or god-knows-what just to get some money) So if i understand correctly you dont need the Z money to invest in your company but to survive those months. In that case the risk is different imho. Altogether I would give it a shot, and just try to find a way to bridge the period without too much financial hassle (I know its none of my business, but maybe Mrs Sarnie can help out a bit? Surely she'll benefit of it too in the long run if all goes well)
  12. And there is no way you can generate (partial) revenue on the side for 6-9 months?
  13. Depends ofcourse on what that opportunity is. If it is selling the Z to use the money to invest in something which might (or might not) generate a lot of profit I would seriously study the odds of ever seeing your money back
  14. Does it involve transferring 100 million dollar from an African country through your bank account and keeping 20% as "commission"?
  15. is George Bush the webmaster and is the OC hosted in Guantanamo?
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