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Everything posted by ir_fuel

  1. I think you underestimate the value of "being able to go where you want to, when you want to", which they dont have in prison Just imagine being locked up in a Hilton Hotel for 10 years, all the luxury you want, but you cannot leave, you cannot invite friends over and you can talk to visitors 1 hour a day in a special room. I guess it would be fun .... in the beginning ...
  2. Yes it can. I had the car going sideways with ESP on more than 1 time. Electronics are great, but you cannot change the laws of physics, especially on RWD cars
  3. Upping your fuel's octane rating is useless unless you start tuning your engine like crzay (playing with the compression especially)
  4. Nice, aldough it would be hard to cope with the interiour
  5. This sounds very much like Turtle Wax "Wax it Wet". I have used it a few times and it works very well. It repels the remaining water then buffs up very easily to a good shine. Yeah, but how many days does it last
  6. I'd rather drive this than a standard roadster i must say But the standard coupé is ofcourse way more beautiful, certainly compared to this 'thing'
  7. Immobiliser, yes. Alarm, not in Europe. It's an accessory.
  8. Wax repells water .... How is this ever going to work decently ....
  9. That means your tyres are well below the "blocks" which are inside the threads (believe those are at 2-3mm). The guy at the garage is bloody right. When the road is wet its really dangerous to drive like this. Get them changed asap. And dont try to save money by buying el-cheapo tyres! Its the only thing that keeps your car on the road
  10. How does this interfere with the factory sat-nav? How does that cut the sound of the radio?
  11. The clarion unit looks pretty nice
  12. Am I the only one who thinks this is short-sighted nonsense the US is one of the Western countries where they have the highest penalties for crimes (how many times dont year ppl getting convicted for 100's of years in prison). They also have the death penalty. Here we have neither of those, now where is the crime rate the highest .... Personally i think criminals don't consider the fact that they can spend 20 years in prison (or get sentenced to death) when they commit their crime. They just consider the fact that they won't get caught doing it. The only way to stop crime effectively is to make sure that the chances of getting caught get much higher. Stupid example: What would scare a car thief the most: The fact that if he gets caught he would spend 10 years in prison? Or the fact that if he gets caught he will spend 2 years in prison, but the chance of getting caught stealing a car will be 95%? Also think about the fact that where the difference between rich and poor is bigger, there is more crime. I'm not saying we should start giving those people money, housing or god-knows-what for free, but its pretty clear the American social system surely isnt helping (starting by the fact that public education usually is crap, and private schools are for the rich ...). Just my 2cents ...
  13. what a load of bollocks ... The bumper, the wheels and the headlamps ARE from the 2006 model
  14. ir_fuel

    Audi A5

    and what equivalent VW would you get for the A5? The EOS?
  15. ir_fuel

    Audi A5

    thats not how it sounds when i read your sentence
  16. ir_fuel

    Audi A5

    I sense badge snobbery ... You wouldnt be driving a BMW now, would you, by any chance?
  17. Guess Blair must be happy to see this.... His country is finally starting to resemble the US of A....
  18. I did and I am I did and i m not. Thats the way the market works Anyway, just think when they could be delivered. I mean, in october last year nobody at Nissan Europe had even heard about this upgrade for 2007, so pre-ordering wasnt an option. I guess if you ll get one by half 2007 you are lucky. When I bought my car I couldnt wait another 10 months, because at the yearly mileage i do my previous car would be worth nothing anymore at resale time (trying to sell a non-diesel car with 120.000km is one thing, selling it with 160.000km is another, at least overhere where 7/10 cars are oilburners ... ) And we already have the nicer (and unchanged for 2007) interior, and the exterior changes too. And who cares about the bonnet
  19. We don't all live in Belgium Although I wouldn't mind, nice country Pretty weird dough. There are more 911's on the streets here than 350Z's
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