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Everything posted by ir_fuel

  1. Yeah, you Brits being conservative and all that ...
  2. Good point old man I just dont get if she does it to you she might do it to everyone, and if its that easy I just dont want my mate falling for someone who could likely end up cheating on him. But I see what you mean. I dont believe having sex on the first date and cheating are related in any way.
  3. If women were to reason the same way you would do Zedrush, there wouldnt be many married women out there I wouldn't judge them because they do this, would you like them to judge you by that "criterium"?
  4. http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/1,,2007110349,00.html
  5. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,258986,00.html
  6. The guy laughing is getting on my nerves
  7. Maybe but thats probably a tactical move as is not launching the other colours yet - they'll do exactly what they did with the PS2 and launch a slimline version in around 2yrs. I m not talking about the box. I m talking about the contents of the box
  8. They shot themselves in the foot with the design of the ps3 too
  9. What game and why would it spark a price reduction? Because it will be so crappy nobody will want to buy it at full price
  10. https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/3245/
  11. IETabs is not an IE emulator. It runs the IE activeX control inside a window in Firefox, so it is a true IE window. Personally i have weather one, ietabs, and the most important one: the daily dilbert
  12. Yop Overhere they discovered the environment too as a way to get the money out of your pockets....
  13. and the UY one, 19" GT4 alloys ???
  14. those eyelids are awful
  15. What harsher than the Zed ?? Are you having a laugh, mate? The Zed's nowhere near as harsh as plenty of other sportscars. It's positively cossetting compared to my old Mini Cooper S - now that just bounced!!! Even my previous Audi TT had harsher suspension than the Z, and that was without the S-Line package
  16. cars in the VS are crazy ... Went to SF for one week, countless AMG's, a bunch of RS4's, some Lambo's, tons of 350Z's, you seem to get Ford Mustangs for free when you buy a burger if you see how many of those driving around over there, smallest bmw3 series is a 330, the X5 is the 4.8i....
  17. @janoof1: all those xbox360 games probably "only" run in 720p, not 1080i.
  18. 1080i = interlaced 1080p = progressive The first one means that at lets say 60hz it sends the even lines 30 times a second and the odd lines 30 times a second, the 2nd one is sending the entire image 60 times a second. (yer good old PAL tv signal is interlaced at 50 or 60hz depending on country and format.) From what i read its quite hard to notice the difference between 720 and 1080 (especially when antialiasing is used) on a TFT screen, but i dont speak from personal experience here. I would check the price difference, but if it really costs a lot more to get 1080p as opposed to i, i wouldnt bother.
  19. True zero is disgusting, but what I think is more off putting are women who are up thmselves. Id much prefer a chub girl with decent personality than a supermodel who is stuck up her own arse. I think most guys would agree with me. Like Sophie Anderton, I knew her ex Mark Alexiou, and believe me she is hideous, her personality makes her so unattractive Id rather shag a catcus plant Im with you on that note, much rather have some flesh than rag and bones I agree, especially with the "some" flesh, aldough not too much if possible
  20. Depends on the pounds she carries along dough, if you are talking "spread yourself over the bonnet of my car"-type of out of hand
  21. And thats all that matters There are ways to solve that issue dough
  22. Depends a bit, i think it was about 1250€ after taxes / month last time i heard on the news. Now of course the cost of owning/renting a house is lower than in England too. Here you can rent a decent flat for 600€ / month.
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