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Everything posted by ir_fuel

  1. Hint There also is 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th gear on your car Believe me, by the time you get to about 3000 rpm it is loud! Supercharger, kinetix plenum and cats, nismo exhaust.... oooo kay Seems like more than enough power to tow some extra dynamat weight around then
  2. I agree in principle but how do you enforce it. Two people may agree to leave it to one another but what if I or someone else really wants the item too? I'm all for helping each other out but the bottom line is to bid what your prepared to pay Thats what i said, each to their own to decide to be "polite" or not.
  3. Hint There also is 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th gear on your car
  4. http://www.leblogauto.com/2007/04/la-smorsche.html
  5. Well done mate However I don't think i can agree that the roadster with the roof down looks much nicer than the coupe Yeah, it does No it doesn't
  6. As long as you drive at legal speeds there is no noise issue And I wouldnt go driving to Le Mans at high speeds when there is something big going. French police will be waiting for you
  7. And you had to sell your Z for that?
  8. I think that people should decide that for themselves
  9. I agree, and would say preferably new M3.
  10. 20 year old just swopped his Honda for the Zed 2 days ago , racing a BMW, still looking for BMW owner ? Yop, and that aldough the passenger is ok, the driver has been badly injured
  11. http://www.leblogauto.com/2007/04/a-ne- ... mains.html
  12. The car, no (or not yet). Had a bloke once asking me if I was happy with it, coz a friend of him had one and got rid of it after 1 year and nothing but trouble with it.
  13. And weigh about 2000kgs! Bah, bolt on a Turbo to compensate that. Works wonders on the Porsche Cayenne Turbo at 2400 kgs
  14. ir_fuel

    Noisy fan

    I got noisy fans too, but usually opening the window and shouting at them to shut up helps for a while
  15. Its just a fact that most people buy a car coz its a car, nothing more nothing less. Even cars like a Z or a Porsche 911. The number of "enthousiasts" is a minority imho
  16. Could someone explain me why one should upgrade brakes when installing a turbo? I fail to see the logic here ... If i accelerate harder it will not necessarily mean I will drive at higher speeds on the road (or speeds higher than those the Z is capable of anyway), or that i ll be braking more or harder, and stopping a car with or without turbo doesn't make any difference
  17. Knowing ebay the price will prolly go up quite quickly the last 2 days.
  18. No problem here, but then again being a drummer might help
  19. It's one of the reasons i dont ride on the road anymore. Its just to dangerous, and in order to enjoy my sportsbike i have to "ride like a nutter" which is when you come to think of it completely irresponsible and very dangerous on a public road. Biking is dangerous enough as-is on the road when being a sensible rider. Adding kneedowns and blind bends to the equation doesnt help the odds. And i have been helping just too many guys getting their bike out of the field/woods/gutter/whatever-is-next-to-the-road. Moreover you are constantly watching out for speed-traps, annoying yourself behind slower moving traffic and you have to constantly be aware of the condition of the road (which is catastrophic in Belgium). I just do trackdays now
  20. How does one do an "accidental" 360 with a Z in the dry? I really wonder what he was doing ...
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