If you bought it new, give it a bit of time to loosen up. I remember when I had mine installed and drove off with it that i thought "hmm, its not as aggressive as I thought it would be" but it loosened up afterwards and now it is spot on for me
Monster S4R.
Completely subjective choice of mine.
Honestly, if money is not an issue it's a matter of personal taste. Get a test ride on the both of them and see which one you like more
defo the wrong side of legal , you can fit an approved restrictor kit to the R6 to make it 33 bhp which costs about £200.. makes it damn slow though
It would make no sense at all
What have I done wrong now?
I dont think there is anything wrong with a guy having girls as a mate and thats all she is..my buisness partner in my new company is a girl and everything is cool she is also a close mate. My girlfriend has guys as mate and I totally trust her... That and the fact her mates are minging lol...just kidding
Lets say that girls usually are quite sensitive when it comes to guys still having contacts with ex-girlfriends
Glad to see some new bikers are being "mister sensible" here, and not running to the shop to get the latest model R1 or GSXR-1000 as their first bike.
Good luck