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Everything posted by ir_fuel

  1. Is it only me who notices that apparently the more expensive the car, the more you can get away with? And i am not talking 'BMW 5 series' expensive here. When you see some kind of exotica parked on the road, 7/10 times it is parked somewhere it shouldn't be (e.g. pedestrian zone, shopping street ...). I would love to see the look on their face if a tow-truck comes to pick up their beauty in a not-so-very-delicate way. Should teach them a good lesson
  2. One of the reasons I avoid parking under trees, the other being the tree-juice (dunno how its called in English) that dries up and makes nasty spots on the paintwork
  3. Nah. I'm rich, I can afford to sleep in a hotel
  4. How did you remove them that you scratched the car?
  5. If you think the first one was evil, check this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RedQKHZS ... ed&search=
  6. Thanks for the pics. I completely forgot what your car looked like
  7. Wow Who had the courage to show up at a Z meet in a camper?
  8. is all this serious?
  9. I do Croix and Folembray quite regularly with my bike. Going to Croix on wednesday anf Folembray next saturday Those curbstones in Folembray are impressive eh? You wont hit the house, chances of spinning out in the big chicane and hitting the tyres on the far left are way bigger. Its about all the tracks you will find, except for Zolder in Belgium, but thats a bit more up north in the country.
  10. How? "Hello potential buyer, do you think this car used to be a write-off?"
  11. Am I the only one who doesnt understand anything of this thread anymore? First a scratch on the door, then a 3k repair quote, next half the car needs replacing
  12. 4k for a watch? You must be loaded
  13. beautiful watch but i could never get myself to spend that kind of money on a watch. I wear CASIO and I wear it with style
  14. +1 I dont know if any of you ever visited the TT forum? Dunno if it changed in the mean time but sometimes 90% of the page was filled with sig pics, and 10% with the actual postings
  15. Anyone wanna bet how long it will take before this thread is at 15 pages? BTW I guess you guys wouldnt be showing off your so-called french when it was a guy from France
  16. That is some seriously cool stuff you got there man
  17. yeah with pleasure with you want to organize something contact me by msn Edit your post as you dont want spambots getting your email address, space it out poooly 7 4 @ hotmail dot fr Yeah, as if a spambot isnt going to glue that text together
  18. LOL, now who's the macho anyway, be happy you dont live in OWSTREIJLIA
  19. Get the TNT then. Seating is quite upright, and you ll need all those powerlifting muscles once you unleash the 137Nm of torque
  20. Its 2 hours old on the pic. Have you seen how filthy it already is?
  21. I think someone is dealing in stolen goods on ebay
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