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Everything posted by ir_fuel

  1. http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/forum/s ... hp?t=42813
  2. Ouch, small error, big bill Then again, if you just think about the price of those wheels .... I hope you can get it all sorted soon! Luckily you have a good insurance.
  3. The real skill in trackriding is in braking. Late and hard braking, and if possible braking to the apex of the corner without lowsiding. That is where the real skill is if you want to have fast laptimes. Putting your knee down isn't really that hard.
  4. Lots of practice Just ride faster and faster, if the position on the bike is good it will happen one day or another, without pushing it ofcourse. Now it is true that it takes more mental "courage" to do it in the rain. Have to convince yourself that the tires really work well when it rains.
  5. doing this when it was dry and this when it was raining But we are nearing the end of "money-pit-2-wheel-season" here. 2 more trackdays and its over until 2008, so back to the 350z forum
  6. well for starters, its a bunny
  7. Yep. Gets into as many arguements as Val!
  8. I m back too Motorcycle season coming to an end so need to do something during the winter 290 threads to read up, and some people apparently (the wheels fetishist ) disappeared. Ow well, I ll go reading up a bit, seems someone got himself a Lambo on this forum. Thats a lot of Big Macs to sell
  9. Ok due to lack of response, and me having better things to do than to stand next to a line of parked Z's waiting for you to come back from the event on the track to the parking, i ll think i ll skip this one
  10. How can they prove he drove that fast? Maybe the speedo in his car is waaay off... I think he has a chance to win this one, otherwise they can start prosecuting everybody driving in a Citroen where they have this digital speedo in the middle of the car, which you can read when driving next to them. Same goes for cars like Porsches where the wing goes up at 80 mph.
  11. ir_fuel


    And check the track while you are there
  12. ir_fuel


    I thought this was about enlargement pills when seeing the title and the other thread
  13. Deprecation anyone? Or is this what we should tell the missus when buying Italian exotica?
  14. Interesting season. I love all those guys saying during the winter :"bah, this 800cc stuff has been pushed by Honda, they will kick everybody's arse with this new rule, blablabla" Where are you now, Hayden? MotoGP rules if you want to see the race, there are some bittorrent sites where you can download it, from what i have heard
  15. Been to a Hooters in San Francisco ... ? Are you gay? No Thats why i dont like fat women in too tight clothing
  16. LOL What is this for ridiculous stuff? So you replace wheels on your car and they dont insure you anymore? What is the motivation behind that?
  17. Been to a Hooters in San Francisco ...
  18. Yeah, do it in your home country. At least there they can take away your driving license, permanently
  19. I agree. When you see it "in the wild" it looks much better.
  20. thanks for reminding me Sarnie, i forgot to pay mine. Can I have your paypal account info? tnx
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