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Everything posted by maxket37

  1. I've been to view both zed's they have and are both a bag of S**T!!!!! I'm sure you've heard enough by now anyway
  2. Do your kids sit in passenger seat then?? And this is okay?
  3. Thanks for that mate. It is nice to see someone with the same predicament as me. I sold my cooper s a few weeks back now cause I wanted a new car and this was also decided before we knew we were expecting. We are also fortunate to be able to run 2 cars so my argument is therefore why have 2 family orientated cars when you only really need 1!!! I just am concerened that there may come a time when,perhaps in an emergency, the kid needs picking up or taking somewhere and the zed is the only car available. What happens then??!!! Order a taxi?? Am I talking myself out of this or what??!!!!
  4. This sounds very familiar. You are, however, in the more fortunate position where you have already bought a zed and therefore more inclined to keep it. I will be needing it mon-fri for work and maybe the odd day here and there would we have to swap cars if I need to pick the kid up from nursery. I am a school teacher so I suppose my holidays will be with kid and mpv rather than zed!!! Still, i am sure it is still worth it. Why didn't Nissan just install a device to disable passenger airbag, it's beyond me???!!!!!!
  5. Sounds good to me spill. Just what I am wanting to hear. On the hunt now for a gunmetal 2nd hand. Sold my car 3 weeks back and am desperate to get back on the road.......in a 350!!!
  6. Thanks for ya replys guys, makes deciding a little easier. Just feel a little selfish as the wife has just recently had a brand new beetle cabrio which will have to go now!!! :blush:B)
  7. I am desperate to buy a 350 but my wife and I are expecting our first baby next year. I know the 350 cannot have a child in the front but my wife will have the people carrier type car anyhow!! Just some general feedback on whether you 350 owners out there are any of you with small children and do you manage??? Is this possible???? SAY YES!!!!!!!
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