This morning I went with some mates to the Mondello motor racing school for beginners. Great fun but didn’t last half as long as I’d want.
First we went out with individual instructors at the wheel in stripped down Mazda 3’s for a couple of laps. The instructor was great. He races in British F3 and finished 5th last year. He explained each corner with it’s boards denoting braking and turn-in points. Then we took over and were let out with a gap between each car. Immediately I caught the first car in front and slowed down as it was a beginners group and we could only over take during designated points. The instructor said put you foot down and keep up with him. So I did. During the next 4 laps I caught and passed two more of them. It also helped when the instructor told me to ignore the braking signs and brake much later. The Mazda 3 was an interesting car. I could throw that thing into the corners without a second thought. Not at all what I was expecting from it.
Next we went out in single seater Formula Sheane cars. I started second and followed a safety car for two laps to get comfortable with the car. Was my first time in a single seater and was made all the more interesting by the shifter on the right hand side which looked like an old F1 style thing and no dials. Just a temp gauge and nothing else. The clutch and brake peddles only travelled about 2 inches and we had to start them off in 2nd gear as 1st was just a waste of time. Safety car pulled in and we all stopped on the start finish line to give the marshals a chance to give us a staggered start. Again I caught the first car by the end of the first lap and was let through. I then went for it for the next 6 laps getting faster and faster and setting the fastest lap on my 5th lap which I then bettered on my 6th lap. At this stage I was almost close enough where they’d have to blue flag the guy in last place but as I was exiting the first corner of a series of S bends I accelerated too hard too early and spun. Kept the engine running and got going again immediately but they gave me a black flag to bring me in for a chat. They asked what happened, said fair enough and let me go again. Was a little annoyed that they’d brought me in but as it was a beginner event that I’d never done before I understood.
All in all it was brilliant. Always wanted to get into racing but the finances don’t exist. I’ll definitely be doing the intermediate and advanced courses at some point. You guys in the UK have so many tracks available to you. We have one. I would definitely suggest you get down to one and have a go. Especially in a single seater if you can. Approx 100mph in a car with no dials is an amazing experience, driving purely on the feel of the car.