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Everything posted by GC350z

  1. Stating the obvious here but why not just call the cops?
  2. It's a gimmick. Mine is set to the max. 7 something.
  3. I'd be happy with any of these small palm devices if they connected to our exchange server (Blackberry) and the battery lasted days. Blackberrys are very good on battery. Apparently the new Samsung palm/iphone like device is very nice but crap on battery. N.B we use IMAP4 as opposed to POP3 so you cant use any old device.
  4. I find them irritating to use. Even the N51 I was using yesterday had two primary menu buttons that were tiny and annoyed the @*!# out of me. The two blue lines are where the buttons are. Same story as others have said, the interface sucks. If you like Nokia's I'm sure you'll like the 95.
  5. I dislike Nokia's but I'm in the process of adding an N51 to our blackberry server. It has wifi, bluetooth, infra-red. I didn't notice anything it didn't have. But it's a Nokia so I'll set it up, give it to the user and never help them again.
  6. GC350z


    The cradle is a spring loaded sliding tray like thing. Holding the front you should be able to pull it forward and drop in the Bluetooth adaptor.
  7. A smart seller would say it was detuned intentionally.
  8. GC350z


    http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... oth+cradle
  9. The Australian one should be interesting and hopefully funny. UK show starts this Sunday.
  10. The driveshaft is CF. The individual to the rears are not to the best of my knowledge. Wiper-sprayers are built into the wipers themselves if you hadn't already noticed. Lifted from another site: Bonnet, suspension and engine aluminium. Steering wheel Inner core is magnesium. Energy-absorbing interior steering column compresses during frontal impacts Hood is built to buckle at predetermined points. In frontal impacts, the engine is designed to drop down and away from the passenger compartment. The driveshaft is designed to collapse, further helping reduce risk of injury.
  11. +1 Never seen damage like that before. Normally they pop the metal cover off the lock and ram a screwdriver in. Or the most common method with cars like this is to put a small wedge of wood in the top right of the door and pull the door back. Should be able to get a door no problem.
  12. So how many pregnancy/parental forums have you joined already??? Congratulations
  13. The trick is not to take them on but to bribe them away with offers of vast quantities of alcohol at whatever pub if they'd just f*** off back onto the bus.
  14. It does on the inside of the petrol flap. I'm guessing Liam's referring to the Lambo.
  15. Mine is June 07 and never got a letter. Garage know nothing of a recall here.
  16. +1 As there are no power gains to be had its entirely subjective. The only other issue is your budget. No power gains but you can have power loss.
  17. This will help. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13358 The last pic shows the cradle and the control module. You need to check under the glove box behind the passenge seat to see if it's present. Guy
  18. Or does he mean the complete cradle?????
  19. Nasty car. Saw one a few months ago. Was going so slow in a 100kph zone that I though it was going to die. Fascinating story behind them. Worth look up on wiki if its there.
  20. One or two of us here. Others are members on the OC. Didn't someone the other day ask if there were any other 02's? Did it have the ugliest wheels imaginable?
  21. I have a document somewhere from Nissan which list all the changes but not in any great detail. It's more alone the lines of we change this this this and this. Might take me a while to find.
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