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Everything posted by GC350z

  1. Which one is it? I've got that crap SGH-D900..... worst phone I've had for years! SAMSUNG SGH-X820 Hence why it fits in the cassette player.
  2. No problems with my Samsung.
  3. GC350z

    She's here!!!

    +1 You can buy it off eBay for about a quid too. Not worth it. Pay less, get a detailer to put two coats of Jetseal on it and you will be better off in both respects. The supagaurd was free so I wasnt arsed about it. I use Megs as standard anyway, and have a garage full of it! Anyways, back to the holiday! Even so, I wouldn't trust the Nissan Monkeys to apply anything to my paintwork +1000 !!! If possible I wouldn't even let them remove the stuff that's on it to protect paint during transport.
  4. Right. I'm 90% sure of going at this point. I need dates to really confirm it. I'm thinking fly out either Monday the 10th returning on the 12th or fly out Tuesday the 11th returning the 13th. Flights for me are between €104 and €120. The weekend is out for me as it's my mothers birthday and have to be in the country. (Reminder to self: renew out of date passport. )
  5. His ability to construct a sentence is laughable. Absolute gibberish.
  6. It cuts out about half way through. This is full version. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmvUvxiW ... h_response
  7. This has just hit the web. It looks like some kind of internal promotional video to newbies. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fz0ks5CSsx4
  8. What about one of those JVC non slip pad things you see advertised on the telebox?
  9. GC350z

    Mpg's roughly?

    I think my 07 is better on fuel than my old 04 but I have to admit since resetting yesterday my commute to and from work manage a combined 21.9l/100km which is 13mpg and an average speed of 15kph.
  10. Not for production or developement is what they are saying but that makes no sense. Mazda testing aero parts on that thing for road cars? Na.
  11. In the cassette player. Gets a little hot but who cares.
  12. GC350z

    Mpg's roughly?

    Are you Jonathon Ross? CROWD: Yes! Welease Woger! Welease Woger! [laughing] PILATE: Vewy well. I shall welease Woger! CROWD: [cheering] CENTURION: Sir, uh, we don't have a 'Woger', sir. PILATE: What? CENTURION: Uh, we don't have anyone of that name, sir. PILATE: Ah. We have no 'Woger'! CROWD: Ohhhhh! BOB: Well, what about Wodewick, then? CROWD: Yes! Welease Wodewick! Welease Wodewick! PILATE: Centuwion, why do they titter so? CENTURION: Just some, uh, Jewish joke, sir. PILATE: Are they... wagging me? CENTURION: Oh, no, sir! GUARD #3: [chuckling] PILATE: Vewy well. I shall welease... Wodewick! CROWD: [laughing] CENTURION: Sir, we don't have a 'Roderick' either. PILATE: No 'Woger'? No 'Wodewick'? CENTURION: Sorry, sir.
  13. GC350z

    Mpg's roughly?

    I do about 10 miles on an average day. Will reset mine when I leave in 10mins. I think it currently says 11ltrs/100km which is about 25mpg Oops 13.85mpg on the way home.
  14. GC350z

    Mpg's roughly?

    I do about 10 miles on an average day. Will reset mine when I leave in 10mins. I think it currently says 11ltrs/100km which is about 25mpg
  15. From Top Gear "The R8 V12 returns 23mpg - just 4mpg less than the V6 TT - and although there's no word on emissions, Audi says it'll meet the 2014 Euro 6 regulations. All of which sounds like an intoxicating combination, leaving us with just one worry: weight. Audi doesn't quote how much heavier the TDi unit is than the petrol V8, but too much extra weight could play havoc with the R8's delicate, wieldy handling. We won't see the diesel R8 on the road until after the new Lamborghini Gallardo - and you'll see a V10 petrol version of the R8 beforehand, too. The V12 TDi could be the most tempting of the bunch, though - if the Audi engineers can make it handle like the petrol version. Here's hoping."
  16. I prefer the hard top and in orange. I'm itching to see the new G not that I can afford either.
  17. GC350z

    RX8 Update

    lol yes that would be youngish. When I see one here they tend to be driven by people who I'd guess were closer to or in the 50/60 odd bracket.
  18. GC350z

    RX8 Update

    Test drove one around the time I first tested a Z. 2003 I think. It was just a let down for me especially as I had driven a Z for the first time. Never seen a youngish person driving one here. Costs the same as a Z here. About 60k. Oh yea, I did like the interior.
  19. GC350z

    RX8 Update

    Says they are 19's but you wouldn't know it.
  20. You can get an auto Civic. I think they're the best looking hatch on the market.
  21. Don't diss 50 cent Was that 50 cent????? Thought it was a woman. Must listen again.
  22. It's the same. One between seats and one on the passenger side.
  23. One fan is for the A/C. The other is for the engine. The Z runs fairly hot. Go for a short drive, park, leave her for an hour, go back and you'll find she's still warm. As for the lights I would guess it's the alarm detecting low power rather then the car.
  24. I have a nagging feeling that this was discussed before in relation to the immobiliser locking when the battery dies. Anyone thinking the same?
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