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Everything posted by GC350z

  1. €29.00 Dublin 11:45 Tue 11 Mar Geneva 14:50 Tue 11 Mar €29.00 Geneva 15:30 Thu 13 Mar Dublin 16:45 Thu 13 Mar Total incl taxes €103.64
  2. Flights are easy for me to check. There's only one a day. Will get details now.
  3. Gorgeous but I hate the wheels. Sorry.
  4. How's that for you Liam? Should we move this to PM or keep it here incase others want to join?
  5. Ok......................don't do it, they look @*!# +1
  6. Still same dates for me. Got passport photos of my mug done so I'm as good as ready to go.
  7. Very sad to read this. I'm on my second Z now and using a second dealership for service. With my first Z in the first garage they were great until I made arrangements with the for a particular day to check and reset the engine management light. 30 second job. When I arrived they wanted the car for the day and said they'd call when it was done. I left went to another garage owned by the same group and had the job done there and then. Later that day I e-mail a complaint to the owner. The boss of the first garage called me with half an hour and I told him his business is based on customer satisfaction which I wasn't and wouldn't be returning nor would I be referring any others to their garage. He asked could he call me again after he'd investigated what happened. I said I wasn't interested in hearing back from them again and told him I was going to the other garage. I didn’t tell him it was part of the same group but should of as it would of shown he’d lost the future sale of a Z at €65k as well as servicing costs. I don't really think Nissan suck. It's more the individual people working there. A mate booked his Renault in to get it serviced and to have a shock replaced. They gave him a day for the following week. I told him to ring first to see if the parts were in. They weren't. On the day he did get it serviced and I told him to ring again to ask if it would be ready at the time they said it would. It wasn't. I find these people just don't care about the business they work for and I don’t mind kicking up a fuss even if it means getting them sacked. Anywho, the fault you’ve had should be fixed under warranty. You should have had a courtesy car from the moment the car reached the garage. It’s a great car and I’m sure you love it as much as the rest of us. Fight your corner. You’ll win.
  8. 31 Love the last question. Made me laugh out loud. "During the fight, would you feel morally comfortable picking up a child and using him/her as a weapon to throw at other children?" I answered honestly, yes.
  9. Ok so: 1) Sarnie - confirmed 2) Sinbad - confirmed 3) GC350z - Semi confirmed 10th-12th or11th-13th 4) Zedrush (trying to wangle it off work) 5) Cavey (trying to wangle it off work) So Zedrush and Cavey, can you make either of the dates GC350z can? Could do with knowing asap so we can nail down flights and hotels etc It's Friday. Do we have any decisions????
  10. GC350z


  11. As the current story is that the tower weren't aware of a problem I'd say it wasn't a fuel shortage. They'd of radioed it in well before reaching the airport. Here’s a thought that crossed my mind. These planes are all fly-by-wire right? So total loss of power on approach to airport would leave them with no ability to turn or alter the angle of the flaps. Am I wrong or would they still have partial control over the tail or something? Either way they would drop like a brick without the ability to maintain landing speed.
  12. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... er+spoiler
  13. just pressing the PrtScn button will copy the the screen image. then once in paint or paint shop pro or similar you should be able to press Ctrl+V to paste the image into the programme True but Ctrl-Alt-Prnt Scrn will take a screen shot of just the selected application. Very handy if you need to send a screen shot to someone quickly but don't what them to see the complete desktop. i.e the Taskbar which currently has this site open on it when I shouldn't.
  14. Really? There's definitely one on here some where.
  15. If you cover up the rear it looks incredible. Love the front.
  16. Nope. The rear looks @*!#.
  17. You've got to love the Hind attack helicopter.
  18. GC350z


    F.A.S.T Federation Against Software Theft??
  19. GC350z


    Do we even know of an offical top speed?
  20. Nice bit of cheating. 20 mins of my life just vanished.
  21. Do it. Roadster looks strange without it.
  22. This link still works. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmvUvxiW ... h_response
  23. GC350z


    5th post before yours
  24. I'd say no work to do (as he posts useless messages on an internet forum)
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