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Everything posted by GC350z

  1. I might do it for a really good pint of Guinness.
  2. GC350z


    Back on topic: On the OC (on which I read a few posts on once a week, really boring stuff) Jurgen (the importer) posted a message about a GTR he was importing. He stopped the import and got the buyer to do it himself. Too much trouble.
  3. GC350z

    cheap lip kits

    I would of sent him to jail.
  4. GC350z


    The GT is the only Porsche that interests me and there's no way I can afford one. All the other models are just Porsche's or light weight variants. I don't like the interior or the front since they went back to the beetle head lights. They are vastly more common then the Z and over here the GTR will either be very rare or not available as there might not be any authorised dealers (according to my dealer).
  5. GC350z

    Zed piccie

    A mate’s wife is a professional photographer and says that photo competitions are now flooded of photoshop pics. Touched up or heavily edited photos look great but leaves me disappointed. I prefer right time, right place. Took these a few years ago on my crappy digital but nevertheless are now 19 x 30 inch framed on my living room wall. Linked as I don’t want to dump them into Sats thread. Bloody photobucket has resized them. http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q243 ... 0_0108.jpg http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q243 ... 0_0126.jpg
  6. +1, its too much of a risk to go ahead with in my eyes. Excuse the pun...bum tish! I thought the same but one day I arrived in work and just walked in for a test to see if I was eligible. Had the first eye done a few days later and the second a week after.
  7. The laser itself is fine. The smell isn't.
  8. Cost very little in the UK to get it done doesn't it? I got mine done a few years ago. Best thing ever. They intentionally make one eye better to give better than 20:20. I call it sniper vision. Costs €1300 an eye here but as I work for a private hospital I got it done for less then 50%.
  9. Erm, sorry. Sorry everybody, this post was meant for the "untagled game" thread!
  10. GC350z


    Been giving this a little thought. A mate here in work used to be a mechanic in the states for many years. He said they take warranty work, servicing and after sales a lot more seriously over there. As in they pre-empt any work that needs to be done based on the TSB's and so on. Over here the dealers just don't seem to care about anything other than sales and completely miss the point that customer satisfaction leads to additional sales. This got me thinking that Nissan head office are aware of the poor dealer network that seems to exist in Europe and rather then training the necessary mechanics and dealers prior to the launch they do it after when they can simplify it. Sounds like crap so I had another thought. Sales of the GTR started in Japan and the US soon after the two main motor shows. Japan and Detroit. Geneva is the European show and the official price/spec and release dates will be announced then. That of course doesn't explain why we have to wait till 2009 but does explain a little of the delay.
  11. MY07 has one in each door. Don't know about MY06. Pre 06 doesn't. You're not missing out. As a cup holder it's unusable. Imagine paper cup from petrol station. Doesn't really fit in the holder. Leans slightly forward and is positioned toward the front of the lower part of the door which means reaching right down to get at it. They call it a bottle holder and the cup holder (singular) is behind the gear shift which isn't much better with the 10 to 15 speed ramps I have to go over every day.
  12. Not a good outcome to that thread Lexx.
  13. MY07 has one in each door. Don't know about MY06. Pre 06 doesn't.
  14. True. I'll take a closer look later. Do they light up when the door opens with the ignition off? Cant remember. If so that would make adding a light behind the red door reflector which is something I think is missing from the car.
  15. 6 levels complete and I need to vent some rage. A little Unreal Tournament killing french and german people ought to do it.
  16. ummm they are orange lights same as rest of the dash. The manual says they are bottle holders which explains why I cant get a cup into them. I'd prefer to have the dash and dial lights in blue but the Japanese have some kind of fascination with orange.
  17. GC350z


    Spotted this on another forum a few mins ago. http://www.crash.net/motoring/roadcars/ ... tails.html We all knew there'd be a v-spec but I think Nissan have decided to go with a track car version. Roll cage, lightened by 100kg and possibly ditching the rear seats.
  18. Dealers really are muppets sometimes. When I went to buy my 07 last year (my second attempt no less as the first attempt with the same dealer failed as didn't call me with a price) the dealer repeatedly told me there was a type R. No amount of arguing would shut him up. He said there were two specs available. Normal and type R. The R being better. How? Because it is. For the record, but not in the slightest bit relevant to this thread, here in Ireland there is only one spec which is equivalent to the GT. (Try explaining that one to the other Irish Z owners who been frequently other sites.)
  19. Mate of mine said the same about the AMV8. In the showroom he had a good look round but was immediately stuck by the poor build. Built by hand my ass. All the parts are still made by machine. Final assembly may be by hand. I'd be sacking people for the level of finish they're producing.
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