It feels like something catches on the right of gate, not always but certainly when cold.
As for turning my hand 180 degrees, I'm not sure I can do that without some pain! Not quite sure what you mean....
I was assuming you shift with your hand on the left side of the shifter (most do), so it's about 180 clockwise so your hand is now on the right side (or right side of center), thumb facing down. This forces the shifter to ride the guide plate down to the gate. If your hand is on the left side of the shifter you're almost guaranteed to hit right of the gate, particularly if you're getting a little spirited (basic ergonometrics) because you will naturally pull the shifter more toward the 4th gear gate.
Less shift force almost always gets you cleaner shifts.
Winter time before everything has had a chance to warm up, yeah, the tranny will be a little notchy, but everything should fall into place in a mile or so.
Spot on Tere. That's the way I've always changed from 1st to 2nd.
2nd to 3rd is with the palm with very little effort.
3rd to 4th with the tips of your fingers.
4th to 5th to 6th thumb up.