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Everything posted by buds

  1. buds


    Yeah well condition is always a good indicator. But BIMTA check, checks against accident/repaired as well does it not? Also depending on where these Z's i view are, you more knowledgeable members are welcome to come see it as i do! Any help could be very welcome! Failing that, RAC will be coming before i actually buy one i think
  2. buds

    Test drive

    Yeah, like i said, dont think i'd actually buy it But it was a fun, different drive this morning!
  3. buds

    Test drive

    Delicate, like it just needed some love and it ran fine? Or delicate, you looked at it funny and it crapped itself?
  4. buds


    Ok, cheers mate. Anything else folks?
  5. Beautifully put. As i've said before, we are all entitled to our own opinions, and as adults respect those of others. So in this case the site doesnt suit, and fair dues. There aint much in life that gives you something for nothing, but 350z-uk does with the discounts available to us. Keep up the good work gents!
  6. buds

    Test drive

    No such thing IMHO. Anything that goes wrong on one of those would be mega expensive I'd have thought and it'll hardly be in the first flush of youth....... Seriously chavvy motor as well. Well true, you never really have anything bullet proof until something goes wrong. But the owner of garage is a long standing family friend, and i'd personally doubt he'd be brave enough to stick us But you never know like you said. Expensive if wrong, hell yeah And chavvy, better believe it. Dont mean it wasnt balls out fun though! Be a very easy motor to lose your license in lol Tbh, Sam the owner, knows im looking for something with quite a bit of poke. Im not really considering car, it was just something different and fun for a saturday morning. And that to the fact that at 6ft5 its a bit of a squeeze to get into!
  7. buds


    Ok pretty soon im gonna be looking and viewing landed JDM 350's What documents should they have? Mileage checks etc etc What MUST they have before you'd even remotely consider buying one? Cheers people
  8. Think its a a well documented fact Sarnie cant distinguish girly colours from manly ones! Though have to say, im with him on this one!
  9. Hehe. Yeah pretty much my own reasoning. Ah wel, i'll have to see what happens So what you gonna do mate, gonna change?
  10. buds

    Test drive

    Test drove a Mitsubishi 3000GT today. One sitting at a friends local 'independant Car Dealer place' in town where i live, so my uncle and me went down and borrowed it for the morning. Fun car, very quick and seems well put together. We did use a tank of fuel pretty quickly though. Some nice fun, twisty roads down round here. Cant say i'd buy one, but for £6k with a full no hassle, no quibble warranty for a year, it might tempt me! Car was uk spec, full history with Mitsubishi and owned locally since bought from england. Be a cheap car depreciation wise for a year's fun. But still, heart set on a 350Z - if i can just sort the JDM/UK dilema
  11. JDM wouldnt bother me, but not sure i'd swap a UK car for one. But the colour is nice ATM im getting earache over even thinking of buying a JDM. My entire family, we're all petrol heads, are dead against imports full stop. They think you dont know what you're buying ( even landed ones ) dont have warranty, verifiable service history etc etc etc and the resale market is a dead duck Now i know im a grown man of 24, and as such i make my own decisions. But we're a close family and they're only looking out for me But i've got to say they've put a slight doubt in my mind. Suppose part of problem is 16-17k is my limit, and its alot of money to me. They just dont want to see me waste it Sorry for going slightly OT
  12. Once i've sorted my Z for definately, im more than happy to try my arm at this group buy. But dont want expensive nismo goodies incase my perfect Z takes too long to source
  13. Its lovely, but aint your GT4 a uk car? Maybe i picked this up wrong along the way? Would you change outta a UK car for a JDM if so?
  14. Ming, your always more than helpful. Cheers buddy
  15. The mini was possibly the biggest motoring success of last decade, and they've changed it after 5 years. Granted they certainly made their return, but you never know. Five years is enough for a manufacturer to consider it at least i'd say.
  16. Still remember first time i done that lol It was the morning after a night on the guiness too, poor lass
  17. Thanks for help mate, do any of the quoted exhausts become 'chavvy' with hi-flow cats?
  18. Now now Just cos you've been banned from your local library doesnt mean they're boring places! EDIT This is the reason he left aint it? sowwwwwy
  19. None taken by me, but im new! I find this place informative and with a bit of banter/fun on side. No complaints from me but each to their own! Hope you find a new haunt more to your tastes.
  20. Ok, so say Val i have £1000 to spend on an exhaust. What would you recommend? Go for nismo or something else? Not looking for any real hp gain, as i know the N/A route is a pain to get real hp out of. Dont mind how loud it gets, so long as it doesnt become like a corse with a tin can on it. Loud exhausts can sound great, so long as the sound is nice? Make sense lol?
  21. You guys are gonna be bad for my bank balance and my relationship! And traders dont get holidays We need stuff all year round! Looked on MiamiGT webby last night, is Nismo the best exhaust out there? Only ask cos they had some other familiar names for same or less money, and i know nismo is the official one, but was just curious.
  22. buds

    Nismo replica kits

    Ok, cheers. I'll let you know if i find any other viable alternatives etc
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